
  1. 具有一个V型阀体,即使在小流量或高粘度介质的情况下,也可在整个量程范围内,保证控制的精确性;

    With V-type body , even if in low flow rate or high viscosity media , it can also guarantee accuracy of control within framework .

  2. 在高粘度介质中制备纳米钴粉

    Synthesis of Cobalt Nanoparticle in the Precursor Solution with High Viscosity

  3. 内齿轮泵输送高粘度介质时的性能研究

    Performance Study of Internal Gear Pump for Transporting High Viscosity Medium

  4. 高粘度介质输送泵的设计方法探讨

    A design of a pump for high viscosity medium

  5. 靶式流量计测量高粘度介质流量有其独特的优点。

    Target flowmeters offer unique features to flow measurement of media with high viscosity .

  6. 尤其在输送高粘度介质时,需要作比较精确的计算。

    Particularly in the transport of high viscosity medium , you need to make more precise calculations .

  7. 因为小弹簧容易被固体物堵塞,高粘度介质会使小弹簧轴向补偿移动受阻。

    Because of the small spring easily plug solids , high viscosity medium will move in small delay compensation axial spring .

  8. 输送高粘度介质时,泵应选低转速,若粘度较低,相应可选择高转速。

    Transport high viscosity medium , low speed pump to be elected , if the low viscosity , the corresponding high-speed selectable .

  9. 将数学模型预测特性曲线与水流量试验、高粘度介质流量试验所得特性曲线进行比较,验证了数学模型的有效性。

    The validity of this model is verified by comparing the characteristics curves with those obtained from water flow and high viscosity fluid experiments .

  10. 文章研究了粘度对泵内流体运动的影响,在清水泵设计的基础上探讨了输送高粘度介质的泵的设计方法。

    This article discusses the influence of viscosity to the movement of fluid in pump , gives a method of high viscosity medium pump design .

  11. 主要用于石油、化工、冶金、制药、食品等各类系统中,以输送还常温下会凝固的高粘度介质。

    Mainly used in petroleum , chemical , metallurgical , pharmaceutical , food and other types of systems to transport will be solidified at room temperature but also high-viscosity media .

  12. 指出新式光纤传感液位监控仪表在高粘度介质充装高液位监控报警及低液位监控报警的灵活性、优越性及其推广应用前景。

    Flexibility and advance of the fiber monitor were pointed out in higher liquid level alarm for high viscosity media and lower liquid level alarm , and the foreground of its wider application was indicated also .

  13. 易结晶、易凝固和高粘度的介质,应采用大弹簧旋转式结构。

    Easy crystallization and easy to solidification of the medium and high viscosity should be used in the structure of large rotary spring .

  14. 通过对各种过滤介质与过滤机理的研究与试验,认为目前高粘度流体的过滤介质主要由合成纤维与矿物纤维所构成。这些过滤介质具有过滤精度高、耐污量大、效率高等特点。

    Author thinks that filter medium passing high viscosity of fluid composes of synthetic fiber and mineral fiber , and has such charateristics as high filtration accuracy and efficiency , large contaminant capacity , etc.