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  • circulation loop
  1. 用集总参数法分析低含汽量自然循环回路汽液两相流稳定性

    Stability Analysis of Two-Phase Flow in a Low Quality Natural Circulation Loop with a Lumped Parameter Model

  2. 为保证流化床装置正常运行,循环回路必须有一个适宜的压力平衡关系。

    The relation of pressure balance must be kept properly in a circulation loop for keeping a fluidized-bed unit in working order .

  3. 大容量CFB锅炉热循环回路特征参数研究

    Study on characteristic parameters in thermocycling loop of large-capacity CFB Boilers

  4. 在CBP治疗过程中,血液与循环回路材料接触,激活凝血因子,启动凝血级联反应。

    Blood get in touch with materials of extracorporeal circulation which activate thrombotic factors and coagulation cascade .

  5. 介绍了APACS在吸附塔控制系统中的应用情况,重点介绍了其硬件配置和泵送循环回路的自动PV切换功能及ATC的算法。

    The application of APACS in adsorbent chamber control system is introduced . Hardware configuration and automatic process variable switching ( APS ) function and zone transition control algorithm of pump cycle loop are described .

  6. 各国政府和其银行部门之间的负反馈循环回路重新出现,并波及到更广泛的市场,Markit的信贷策略师加万诺兰(GavanNolan)说。

    The negative feedback loop between states and their banking sectors has re-emerged and is having a seismic impact on the broader market , said Gavan Nolan , credit strategist at Markit .

  7. 在Φ800mm×12000mm流化床装置上,用多点压力测量仪对固体颗粒单循环回路各部分的压力分布进行了实验研究。

    The pressure balance of a single-loop solid circulation system was experimentally studied in a gas-solid fluidized-bed test facility with the diameter of 800 mm and the height of 12 ? 000 mm by multi-point pressure detector .

  8. 汽水循环回路贮质量变化对汽包虚假水位的影响分析

    Effeet of Mass Storage Variation in Steam-water Circulation on False Water Level

  9. 毛细泵环中两相循环回路的初步分析研究

    Preliminary analysis of two-phase circulation in a capillary pumped loop

  10. 高压低标高自然循环回路的设计

    A Design of the High pressure Natural Circulation Circuit with Low Elevation

  11. 操作条件对双循环回路变径提升管压降的影响

    Effects of Operating Conditions on Pressure Drops in a Dual-loop Circulating Fluidized Bed

  12. 载人飞船主动流体循环回路离心泵可靠性试验研究

    Reliability Test Study of Eccentric Pump in the Active Fluid Cooled Loop System of Manned Spacecraft

  13. 在模拟体外循环回路中观察丹参素对新鲜防凝猪血血细胞的影响。

    Fifty-two units of anticoagulated fresh blood of pigs were studied in the special extracorporeal circulation techniques .

  14. 循环回路的压力分布取决于流化器和旋风管的性质。

    The distribution of pressure in a single loop depends on the properties of fluidized bed and cyclone .

  15. 核动力装置一回路系统是核动力装置中最核心的部分,它是主冷却剂的循环回路。

    The most important part of nuclear power plant is primary system which is also primary coolant loop .

  16. 对文泡间电酸洗净化工艺在西宁地区的循环回路、工艺参数及净化效率进行了探讨。

    This article discusses the operation parameters and cleaning effect of VFEA craft 's cycle circuit in Xining region .

  17. 水循环回路结构复杂容易导致并联管内的流量分配不均匀性较大。

    The flow distribution in the parallel tubes is very uneven when the water circulation loop is too complex .

  18. 水循环回路的合理布置和设计对余热锅炉的安全运行具有重要意义。

    Rational arrangement and design of water cycling system was important to the safe operation of the waste heat boiler .

  19. 两组均采用常规体外循环回路、膜肺式氧合器及与之配套的硬塑静脉贮血室。

    The conventional extracorporeal circuit , membrane oxygenator and fitting hard plastic shell venous reservoir was used in both groups .

  20. 进一步地,本文针对泵特性对强制循环回路中的稳态流动特性的影响也进行了分析。

    Further , effects of pump characteristics on static flow feature of forced circulation are also analyzed in the thesis .

  21. 造成氚环境污染的主要危险来自氚循环回路中的偏滤器子系统的抽出气体泄漏。

    Main hazard results from the tritium leakage of the subsystem of divertor plasma exhaust gas in the tritium cycle loop .

  22. 结果表明,颗粒单循环回路的压力平衡与装置的运行状态、颗粒的循环量密切相关。

    It is shown that the pressure balance is in close relation with the fluidized bed operation status and solid circulation rate .

  23. 控制系统划分为三部分,包括空气处理机组控制算法、冷冻站系统控制算法和主动式冷梁循环回路控制算法。

    The control algorithm consists of AHU control algorithm , the freezing station system control algorithm and active chilled beam control algorithm .

  24. 应用联立模块法的模拟策略,对多循环回路、多控制变量的乙烯氧化制环氧乙烷过程进行了稳态、操作型数学模拟。

    The process of producing ethylene oxide through ethylene oxidation is simulated by a operation-type steady flowsheeting technique with a simultaneous-modular approach .

  25. 本文从粉碎和分级的单元作业模型以及循环回路物料平衡原理出发,建立起一个描述闭路粉碎过程的通用模型。

    Based on models of unit operations and the population balance principle , a new modeling approach was established for a generalized circuit configuration .

  26. “食尾者”的循环回路是一个如此显而易见的反馈象征,使我难以确定到底是谁先在控制论的语境中使用它。

    The loop of Uroborus is so obviously an emblem for feedback that I have trouble ascertaining who first used it in a cybernetic context .

  27. 针对电传动车辆中热源部件的工作温度特点,设计了具有高、低温双循环回路的冷却系统。

    Based on operation temperature characteristic of the thermal source of electric vehicle , the cooling system which high and low temperature circulation loop is designed .

  28. 该系统通过改造普通的空调机,在制冷循环回路中并入一个工质泵,同时将压缩机短路,从而实现制冷机冷媒主动循环、被动循环、压缩机循环三种模式。

    Through the transformation of the general air conditioners , a refrigerant pump was incorporated in the refrigeration cycle and the compressor was shield at the same time .

  29. 计算结果表明在海洋条件下,船体的倾斜,横摆、纵摆和起伏对自然循环回路的压降和流量有着不同程度的影响。

    The results indicate that the ship tilted , transverse swaying , fore-and-aft swaying and fluctuating have varying degrees of impact for natural cycle of the pressure drop and flow .

  30. 选择直线电机活塞驱动方式,不但能方便地产生脉动流,同时驱动源与细胞实验循环回路之间的相互隔离,避免对细胞可能产生的污染。

    This method can generate the pulsatile flow conveniently , and also can avoid polluting the cells through isolating the driving system and the cycle loop of the cell experiment .