
xún huán yǔ jù
  • loop statement
  1. 本文使用简单的命令式语言IMP的语法,首先给出了repeat-until循环语句的操作语义,然后详细推导出了其指称语义,并在此基础上详细证明了它们二者之间的语义等价性。

    Using syntax of IMP , the operational semantics of repeat-until loop statement is given first , then the denotational semantics of repeat-until loop statement is deduced , and finally the equivalence of them is proved in detail .

  2. 接下来,考虑无限循环语句和条件。

    Next , we consider the infinite loop statement and conditionals .

  3. 对java来说,唯一用到标签的地方是在循环语句之前。

    The only place a label is useful in Java is right before an iteration statement .

  4. VISUALFOXPRO中循环语句的解读及应用

    Reading and Using of Loop Structure Statement in Visual FoxPro

  5. SQLPL中支持以下循环语句

    The following looping statements are supported in SQL PL

  6. VHDL语言中循环语句的综合方法

    Loop Statement Synthesis Method in VHDL Language

  7. 在PASCAL到Modula-2的转换过程中,必须消除输入程序中存在的GOTO语句,转换程序消除GOTO语句(包括定义性标号)后,用循环语句、条件语句和布尔变量实现原有GOTO结构的功能。

    GOTO statements must be eliminated from input when translating Pascal into Modula-2 . The algorithm presented substitutes loop statements , conditional statements and Boolean variables for GOTO statements ( including definitional labels ) .

  8. 循环语句将在下一章作具体讲解。

    The while loop will be explained in the next chapter .

  9. 华中数控系统用户宏程序循环语句的嵌套

    The nesting of macro program loop statements of huazhong CNC system users

  10. 循环语句中的死循环;

    ( 4 ) in cyclic sentence endless loop ;

  11. DOWHILE循环语句的条件设置

    The Condition Setting of the Do While Circular Sentence

  12. 这是用for循环语句。

    So here is a for loop .

  13. 对于其他任何条件或循环语句,都不可采用这种方法。

    You cannot use this approach with any of the other selection or iteration statements .

  14. 它并不属于一次跳转,而是中断循环语句的一种方法。

    It 's not a jump but rather a way to break out of an iteration statement .

  15. 本文在对循环语句的控制结构作静态分析的基础上,提出了一种改进的程序分片算法。

    This paper proposes an improved slicing algorithm on the static analysis of the control structure of loop statements .

  16. 通过添加逻辑和条件语句或循环语句,可以向测试添加复杂的检查。

    By adding logical and conditional statement or circular statement , you can add a complex examination toward the test .

  17. 相反的,你需要编写一个小的循环语句来反复的更新视图并按帧渲染。

    Instead , you 'll need to code a small loop that iteratively updates the view and renders a frame .

  18. 通过设置循环语句的不同步长,可达到工艺要求的计量精度。

    The metering accuracy required by the process can be realized by setting the different step lengths of recurring sentences .

  19. 让我们先看看这儿的代码,我已经写了一个循环语句,用来迭代处理数组中所有的元素。

    I 've written a little for loop , which is going to iterate over all of the elements in the list .

  20. 用线性汇编语言重新设计程序结构优化循环语句,实现读取参考样本、滤波处理和移位裁剪算法的优化,避免重复读取同一个参考样本的情况。

    This paper used the linear assembly language to re-design program structure and realized the optimization of reading reference samples , filter processing and transfer of cutting algorithm .

  21. 介绍了方正奥思中的变量、函数、分支语句和循环语句等基础理论知识,通过一个程序实例介绍了用方正奥思进行程序设计的基本知识和方法。

    The paper introdues some fundamental program knowledge of vacations , functions , branches and cycle statements , and introdues how to design a program by using Founder Author Tool .

  22. 给出if语句和while循环语句控制流交叉原理,产生多入口多出口控制块,使代码控制流复杂化。

    The control crossing principle of IF statement and WHILE loop statement were given out , which produced control blocks of multi-level exit and entry , so code control flow became more complicated .

  23. 使用循环语句对每一个节点施加风载荷,施加完载荷求解,得出每个节点在风载荷的作用下位移响应。

    Wind load is applied to each node by utilizing looping statements , and calculation is conducted after the load is applied , then the displacement response of each node under the function of wind load is derived .

  24. 到这时,用户可以编写shell脚本,在变量中存储信息和导出信息,控制文件描述符,控制信号处理,使用for循环和case语句,以及其他大量功能。

    Now , users could write shell scripts ; store and export information in variables ; control file descriptors ; control signal handling , for loops , and case statements ; and so much more .

  25. while循环与if语句一样,支持一个可选的else子句,其中包含一个当表达式计算为False时执行的程序语句块。

    The while loop , as was the case with the if statement , supports an optional else clause containing a block of program statements executed when the expression is False .

  26. 除非块内存在循环,否则语句只运行一次。

    Unless there is a loop inside the block , the statements run only once .

  27. 有时候,使用这种语句比嵌套的for循环或if语句更好,可以减少重复的代码而且结构更清楚。

    Using such a statement can sometimes be a better route than nested for loops or if statements to cut down on repetitive code or just for better structure .

  28. 闲置循环与DoEvents语句

    Idle Loop and Do Events Statement

  29. FORTRANDO循环中某些赋值语句表达式的向量化用于机器识别和学习的汉字表达式


  30. bash中的while循环可以重复执行语句一定的次数,或者一直执行到满足某一条件为止。

    A while loop within bash allows you to execute a statement a given number of times , or until a certain condition is met .