
  1. 目前国内外关于生态工业链的研究较少,主要集中在循环经济、生态工业园的研究上。

    There are more researches on circular economy and eco - ( industrial ) park than ecological industry chain .

  2. 以循环经济和生态工业园理念为指导,以广州南沙国际汽车产业园区为例,通过分析区域规划产业特征,进行了生态工业网络设计。

    This paper studies the eco-industrial network which is designed for the international automobile industrial area in Nansha of Guangzhou through analyzing the characters of regional planning .

  3. 循环经济与生态工业园在这样的背景下应运而生,并日益受到全社会的重视,理论和实践有日新月异的发展。

    This kind of situation gives birth to Circular Economy and Eco-industrial Park . And the attention from the whole society gives them great progress , including the theory and the practice .

  4. 在循环经济和生态工业园相关理论的指导下,结合陕西韩城昝村工业开发区的具体资源优势和产业结构,本文研究了在此地发展生态工业,建立生态工业园区的可能性。

    Under the instruction of Recycle Economy and Industrial Ecology , combined with the specific local resources and local current industrial structure , this thesis is trying to realize the possibility of the construction of an eco-industrial park .

  5. 在经济的发展中,各国大力提倡发展循环经济,生态工业园作为循环经济中观层面上面的实践形式,发挥着重要作用,但同时也存在着问题。

    With the economic development , countries have advocated the development of recycling economy actively , eco-industrial park which is the form of practice on the middle-level meaning , plays an important role , however , there are still many problems .

  6. 发展循环经济,建立生态工业园是缓解目前所面临的资源约束、减轻环境污染的有效途径。

    Development of recycling economy , establish eco-industrial park to ease the resource constraints currently facing , an effective way to reduce environmental pollution .

  7. 倡导生态文明建设,发展循环经济,建设生态工业园,是保护生态环境、实现可持续发展的最佳途径。

    Promoting ecological civilization construction , development of circular economy and build eco-industrial park , is the best way to protect the ecological environment and achieve sustainable development .

  8. 本文概述了生态工业园的理论基础,主要包括工业生态学理论、工业共生理论、循环经济理论以及生态工业园理论;

    In the paper , the basic theory of EIP was summarized firstly , mainly includes the industry ecology theory , the industrial symbiosis theory , the recycle economy theory as well as the Eco-industrial parks theory ;

  9. 循环经济型煤炭企业、循环经济型煤炭生态工业园、循环经济型煤炭城市以及社会层次的煤炭循环经济是煤炭行业循环经济发展的四种基本模式。

    Circular economical coal enterprise , circular economical coal eco-park , circular economical coal city and coal circular economy of social level is the four basic circular economy development models for coal industry .