
xún huán shòu mìnɡ
  • cycle life
  1. 在试验范围内,随Al元素的加入,合金的循环寿命得以改善,但材料的放电容量和活化性能均有所下降;

    With the addition of Al element , cycle life performance of the alloy is increased at the expense of discharge capacity and activation properties .

  2. VRLA电池的析气失水量与循环寿命

    Gas evolution and cycle life of the VRLA battery

  3. 提高AB5型贮氢合金电极材料循环寿命的途径

    Improvement of the Cycle Life of Electrode Materials of AB_5 Type Hydrogen Storage Alloys

  4. 将电池内阻与内压相联系,研究了直封MH/Ni电池在充放电过程及循环寿命测试实验中的内阻变化情况。

    The internal resistance of directly - sealed MH / Ni batteries had been investigated during charging and discharging cycle .

  5. 锂电池正极材料LiMn2O4的改性与循环寿命

    Modification of LiMn_2O_4 Cathode Materials for Improved Capacity Retention

  6. Ni-MH电池的循环寿命研究

    The Study on the Cycle Lifetime of Ni-MH Battery

  7. 发酵时间5d;(4)循环寿命短;

    Fermenting time 5d . ( 4 ) the cycle life is short ;

  8. 电池循环寿命长,2A、10A交替放电循环寿命超过200次。

    The life time of discharging at 10A and 2A alternately is over 200 cycles .

  9. 熔体快淬对AB2型Laves相储氢电极合金循环寿命的影响

    The Effect of Rapid Quenching on the Cycle Lives of H_2-Storage Electrode Alloys with AB_2 Laves Phase

  10. 隔膜对MH-Ni电池放电容量和循环寿命的影响

    Effects of separator on discharge capacity and cycle life of Ni MH battery

  11. MH-Ni电池比容量与自放电和循环寿命的关系

    Relations of specific capacity of Ni-MH battery with self discharge and cycle life

  12. 对磷酸作为VRLA电池电解液添加剂进行了初期容量和循环寿命试验研究。

    Phosphoric acid as an electrolyte additive for VRLA battery was studied by testing the battery initial capacity and cycle life .

  13. 研究了AA型密封MH-Ni电池在充放电过程及循环寿命测试实验中的内阻及内压变化情况。

    The variation of the internal resistance and inner pressure of AA size sealed Ni MH batteries were investigated in the charge / discharge and cycle life test .

  14. 研究结果表明,WPC的最大应力与循环寿命的对数呈线性关系;

    Test results show that the maximum stress of wood plastic composites presents a linear relationship with logarithmic fatigue life .

  15. 对6种含有不同添加剂和组成的蓄电池负极,就电池充电接受能力、恒流放电特性、电极循环寿命、RH的含量及RH与PTFE联用等方面进行了试验。

    Six negative electrodes with different actives were studied by charge acceptance test , constant-current discharge test , cycle life test , RH content test and RH-PTFE cooperating utilization test .

  16. 与没有添加PTFE乳液相比,负极添加1%PTFE乳液的电池有较好的循环寿命、电压平台、内阻等性能。

    The batteries after the addition of 1 % PTFE in negative electrodes have preferably cycle life , voltage plateau decaying , internal resistance decaying with respect to no PTFE .

  17. 光电倍增管的应用条件对闪烁探测器坪特性的影响随合金LaCe比的降低,合金的放电容量略有下降,但其循环寿命和放电电压平台有较大提高。

    It was also found that cycle life and discharge voltage plateau characteristics are improved markedly with the decrease of ratio of La / Ce , although discharge capacity of the alloy decreases slightly .

  18. 经测试,恢复容量后的VRLA电池的平均循环寿命达150次,从而间接地延长了VRLA电池的寿命。

    The ( average ) cycle life of VRLA battery after restoring the capacity reached 150 times and the life of VRLA battery was extended indirectly .

  19. 金属氢化物-镍(MH/Ni)电池由于具有较高的比能量和比功率、较长的循环寿命、适中的价格以及对环境友好等优点,是电动工具、混合电动车的首选电池。

    Nickel-metal-hydride ( Ni-MH ) battery is widely used in electric tools and hybrid electric vehicles due to its high specific energy and power , long cycle life , reasonable price and environmental friendship .

  20. 在2mA/cm~2的充放电电流下测得的单电极比容量可达325.21F/g,循环寿命达5000次。

    The specific capacitance of singal electrode could reach 325F / g when the charge-discharge current was 2mA / cm2 , and cycled over 5000 times .

  21. 采用Coffin-Manson方程计算并比较热循环寿命。

    The thermal cycle lives were calculated and compared according to Coffin-Manson equations .

  22. 目前,LiMn2O4材料研究的重点在于提高LiMn2O4的可逆比容量,增加循环寿命和提高高温下材料的充放电性能。

    Al . In present , the key of researching spinel LiMn_2O_4 is to improve its rechargeable rate capacity , rechargeable life and charge-discharge properties under high temperature .

  23. 该装置可用于测试贮氢材料的PCT曲线,吸放氢动力学曲线以及循环寿命。

    This apparatus can be employed to measure the curves of the hydriding / dehydriding dynamics , the PCT curves and the cycle life for hydrogen storage material .

  24. 着重研究了Pb-Sb、Pb-Ca两种合金对循环寿命的影响。

    A comparison has been made between Pb-Sb and Pb-Ca grid alloys regarding to their influencing on battery cycle life .

  25. 添加Ni提高了Ti1.0Mn0.9V1.1的电化学活性,添加Zr使合金的性能下降,添加Cr增加了合金的循环寿命。

    The addition of Ni substitution for Mn improves the electrochemical activities of the alloys , the addition of Zr substitution for Ti decreases the performance of alloys and the addition of Cr improves cycle life of the alloys .

  26. 用电动自行车电池灌注酸液和胶液进行了循环寿命实验发现,当正板栅合金使用PbCaSnAl或PbSbCd时,使用胶液的电池的循环寿命高于普通的酸液电池。

    Cycle-life tests were made for batteries filled with acid and gel electrolyte and the results showed that the cycle-life of gelled batteries was longer than that of conventional acid ones when using Pb-Ca-Sn-Al or Pb-Sb-Cd alloys for positive grids .

  27. 和AGM电池相比,Gel电池电解质多、充电电压和温升低、耗水少、耐深放电、循环寿命长。

    Gel batteries have more electrolyte , lower charge voltage and working temperature , less water loss than those of AGM batteries . They are resistant to deep discharge and have long cycle life .

  28. 通过这些改性,DMcT的放电容量、正极电流、循环寿命都得到了改善。

    Through these modifications , the discharge capacity , cathode currents and cyclic life of DMcT were improved .

  29. 改进的铅膏和板栅合金配方提高了VRLA电池充电接受能力和循环寿命,这是解决VRLA电池早期容量损失(PCL)的有效途径之一。

    Improvements of the recipe of pastes and lead alloys can increase the charge acceptance of VRLAB , and it is an effective approach to solve the PCL problem of the VRLAB .

  30. 当Cr添加量从0增加到0.4时,铸态合金的容量从396.3mAh/g下降到355.6mAh/g,循环寿命从72次增加到97次;

    When the amount of Cr addition increases from 0 to ( 0.4 ), the capacity of the as-cast alloy decreases from 396.5 mAh / g to 355.6 mAh / g , and the cycle life increases from 72 cycles to 97 cycles .