- 名Strain component;components of strain

First , the relationship between the measured potential on the PVDF film and the strain components on the structural surface was deduced from the piezoelectric constitutive law under the non-contact condition . Then calibrating experiments of the PVDF film are carried out .
We carry on analysis on the velocities and strains derived from three campaigns of GPS observations , and draw preliminary conclusions . Baikal Lake is generally in the state of extension and extensional velocity is about 4.5 ± 1.2 mm / a , with the direction of NW-SE .
Nonlinear Strain Components of General Shells with Initial Geometric Imperfections
The separation of strain components in three dimensional photoplasticity
Furthermore , the effects of the stress intensity factors on all strain components at crack tip are investigated .
Double iterative technique is proposed for reconstructing internal strain components of a body from the projections of boundry value of displacement .
The volumetric strain due to stress dilatancy of sand is found to be composed of a reversible dilatancy component and an irreversible dilatancy component .
This paper put forward double paraboloid distribution model of ε( superscript I subscript xy ) basing on a series of numerical experiments on T-joints .
With the obtained node displacement and based on the finite element theory , the strain component and the maximum shear strain field was calculated .
The loading-unloading criteria in the generalized plastic mechanics are discussed firstly , which can be easily used to estimate loading-unloading stale of component stain in numerical analysis .
The nonlinear strain components of shells are the foundations of the nonlinear shell mechanics . They are used in the stability and various large deformation analyses of shells .
A method covering all of different triangle shapes is designed and the distributions of the precisions of strain components are obtained in the cases of different triangle shapes .
This paper , adopting the Concept of divitional yield of plastic strain components , proposes a loading criterion of divitional yield , which is suitable for incremental numerical method .
If the shape factor less than 0.1 , the standard deviations of strain components obtained will increase considerably and then these triangles are not suitable for calculating the strain components .
This paper presents a simple method of calculating various stress and strain components in a four-layered or more elastic layered system , which can be used in flexible pavement design .
The study shows that if the shape factor larger than 0.36 , the standard deviations of strain components obtained will be less than three times of the standard deviation of displacement ;
The obvious advantage of the constitutive model is confirmed by the reasonable prediction of the developments of strain components and volumetric strain in various conditions including principal stress axes rotation . 3 .
To reveal the thermal-mechanical fatigue mechanism more clearly , the time-dependent component ( Creep ) and time-independent component ( pure plastic deformation ) of the inelastic component should be taken into account separately .
For this method , the corrected approximation of inherent shear strain is exerted to the fillet weld zone as initial strain of the welded structure and angle distortion is predicted by elastic analysis .
In this paper , the shape factor of a triangle is defined as the ratio of interior radius to exterior radius of the triangle . The relationship between the precisions of strain components calculated by the triangular method and the shape factor are studied .
Started from the equation of strain sector for nonlinear 3-D continuous medium mechanics , referring to other literature , such equation of rotating thin shell with initial geometrical imperfections is summarized and the strain-displacement relationship which can be used in rotating thin shell is obtained .
When the main stress direction was not known , three strain chips each other are attached in 45 ° angle , the local strain variable can be measured and is converted into the main strain variable .
In this model the volumetric strain due to stress-dilatancy for a granular material is composed of reversible and irreversible dilatancy components .
In the method the modal strain energy of an element is divided into tension modal strain energy , torsion modal strain energy and bending modal strain energy .
The method accepts measured time histories from strain guage rosettes as inputs , calculates the elastic plastic stresses and strains using a cyclic plasticity model , and then estimates the fatigue life from several critical plane damage models .