
  1. 结论低位直肠癌根治手术时,完整地切除直肠系膜非常必要;远端直肠系膜的切除应达到肿瘤下缘以远4cm。

    Conclusion The procedure to resect the mesorectum integrally for low rectal cancer is very necessary , in which the distal clearance margin for the mesorectum should reach to 4 cm .

  2. 结论尺神经深支卡压主要是小指短屈肌的腱性弓状缘,术中应彻底切开该缘。

    Conclusion The main compression factor of the ulnar nerve at the wrist is the tendinous arcade of the flexor digiti minimi brevis pedis , the tendinous arcade should be released sufficiently during the operation .

  3. 这种变化代表着原地最大水平主压应力的同向变化,应反映邻近陆缘洋壳俯冲速度的变化。

    It is believed that such a migration of strikes represents the concordant variation of in-situ maximum horizontal principal stress , which might reflect the changes of subducted velocity of oceanic crust near continental margin .