
fú hào jiān gān rǎo
  • Inter symbol interference;intersymbol interference
符号间干扰[fú hào jiān gān rǎo]
  1. TDSCDMA系统采用联合检测技术来抑制符号间干扰(ISI)和多址干扰(MAI)。

    Abstract : TD-SCDMA uses joint detection technique to suppress the intersymbol interference ( ISI ) and multi-access interference ( MAI ) .

  2. 这种多径衰落信道将可能导致符号间干扰(ISl)的产生,影响系统的性能。

    The multipath fading channel will probably bring intersymbol interference ( ISI ), and then restrain the performance of communication system .

  3. OFDM系统中符号间干扰抑制方法研究

    Study on ISI Suppression Methods for OFDM System

  4. 虽然系统结构可以消除符号间干扰,OFDM系统仍然需要精确的信道信息来进行信道均衡,从而完全补偿多径衰落。

    Accurate channel state information is needed in OFDM systems to perform channel equalization and compensate the multi-path fading .

  5. 但是由于存在多址干扰和符号间干扰,CDMA难于实现高速传输。

    But because of the MAI and the ISI , it is difficult for CDMA to achieve high-speed transmission .

  6. 高速QAM系统的Volterra模型及符号间干扰的分析

    Volterra Model and ISI Analysis of High Speed QAM System

  7. 加入MIMO或中继后,符号间干扰和码间干扰更加严重,从而影响系统性能。

    When the MIMO or relay is jointed , the ISI and ICI get lager , which influence the system performance seriously .

  8. 是一种信道存在符号间干扰(ISI)的接收性能的最佳补偿方法。

    The algorithm is a best means for compensating the performance of the channel with ISI .

  9. OFDM系统把高速的数据流分散到多个低速的数据流并行传送,很好地抑制了符号间干扰。

    The OFDM systems distribute the high-rate data stream to many low-rate data steams that are transmitted in a parallel way over many sub channels .

  10. 多径衰落信道中进行高速率数据传输,容易造成符号间干扰(ISI)。

    Inter-symbol interference ( ISI ) damages the quality of high rate data transmission in decaying multipath channel .

  11. 正交频分复用(OFDM)技术由于在无线环境下能够高数率传输并且能够抵抗符号间干扰,因此越来越受到人们的重视。

    OFDM technology is paid more and more attention in the wireless environment due to high data rate transmission and the ability to resist inter-symbol interference .

  12. 而在消除符号间干扰和均衡由无线信道时延扩展引起的频率选择性衰落方面,正交频分复用(OrthogonalFrequencydivisionMultiplexing,OFDM)技术具有明显优势。

    In receiver , Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) system can easily cancel ISI and equalize frequency-selective fadings that are both caused by time disperse of radio channel .

  13. 这一技术能有效地抗多径引起的符号间干扰(ISI),并且有频率分集的优点,在移动通信领域中具有广阔的应用前景。

    This technology will have brilliant future for its efficiency in canceling ISI and its advantage of frequency diversity .

  14. 多载波扩展频谱码分多址系统(MC/CDMA)是一种消除符号间干扰的有效技术。本文提出了一种新的多载波码分多址(MC/CDMA)系统。

    MC / CDMA is one of the effective techniques to mitigate the ISL In this paper , a new MC / CDMA system is proposed .

  15. 讨论了有最小符号间干扰(ISI)的第一类部分响应滤波器的最佳设计方法。

    A method for optimal design of class 1 partial response filter with low intersymbol interference ( ISI ) is described .

  16. OFDM是一种多载波高速无线传输技术,它能有效对抗多径效应,消除符号间干扰,对抗频率选择性衰落,而且信道利用率高。

    OFDM is a multi-carrier high-speed wireless transmission technology , with high channel utilization and good performance in mitigating multi-path effects 、 eliminating inter-symbol interference and resisting frequency-selective fading .

  17. 符号间干扰(ISI)一直是无线通信领域研究的重点,传统的手段是采用各种均衡方法来消除。

    Inter-symbol interference ( ISI ), which is traditionally eliminated by means of equalization technology , has been the focus in wireless communication .

  18. 加性噪声以及由多径传播导致的符号间干扰(ISI)限制了高速率无线通信技术的发展。

    High data rate in wireless communication is limited by additive noise and the Inter-symbol Interference ( ISI ) owing to multi-path propagation .

  19. 该技术以牺牲部分抗符号间干扰(ISI)能力为代价来换取系统抗信道间干扰(ICI)的性能。

    More immunity to Inter Channel Interference ( ICI ) can be achieved by sacrificing the partly immunity to ISI in FMT .

  20. 它结合了OFDM和CDMA的优点,在高速数据传输时,其抗符号间干扰的性能明显优于传统的单载波CDMA。

    It combines the advantages of OFDM and CDMA , and its capability of combating ISI is obviously better than that of a single-carrier CDMA for the high data rate transmission .

  21. 与单载波系统相比,OFDM系统存在多个正交子载波,导致同步误差不但会引起符号间干扰,还会引起信道间干扰。

    Comparing with single carrier system , OFDM system has a number of orthogonal sub-carriers . Synchronization offset would cause severe Inter-Channel Interference ( ICI ) and Inter-Symbol Interference ( ISI ) .

  22. 离散多音调制(DMT)是一种先进的多载波调制技术,较传统的单载波调制具有包括抗频率选择性衰落、抗符号间干扰等诸多优点。

    As an advanced multi-carrier modulation technique , discrete multi-tone modulation ( DMT ) has many advantages over traditional single-carrier modulation .

  23. MIMO系统的传输环境是移动的多径衰落环境,因此接收端必须消除接收信号的符号间干扰利通道间干扰。

    The transmitting environment of MIMO system is always a mobile and multi path environment , so the receiver must get rid of the inter symbol interference and the inter channel interference .

  24. ADSL系统采用信道缩短的方法来抵消符号间干扰,同时由于环路线中回波干扰也比较严重,需要采用回波抵消措施。

    While channel shortening is employed in ADSL system to cancel symbol interference , echo cancellation is required because of serious echo interference in loop lines .

  25. 最大似然序列检测技术被广泛应用于数字通信系统中来估计通过有噪声的符号间干扰(ISI)信道传输的数字数据序列。

    Maximum likelihood sequence detection ( MLSE ) is broadly use in the digital communication system to estimate the transferred data through the ISI channel with noise .

  26. 而且,循环前缀的引入消除了符号间干扰(ISI),避免了信道间干扰(ICI)。

    Moreover , serious ISI ( Inter-Symbol Interference ) and ICI ( Inter-Carrier Interference ) can be readily circumvented by introducing CP ( Cyclic Prefix ) .

  27. 我们回顾了有符号间干扰(ISI)的线性时不变信道的离散时间模型及三种传统的均衡器:Viterbi均衡器、线性均衡器和判决反馈均衡器。

    We review the equivalent discrete time models of ISI channel and three kinds of traditional equalizer : Viterbi equalizer , linear equalizer and decision feedback equalizer .

  28. 典型的多载波调制技术&正交频分复用(OFDM)利用循环前缀(CP)从理论上说可以完全消除符号间干扰(ISI)。

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ), which is a typical MCM technology , theoretically could completely eliminate the inter-symbol interference ( ISI ) by using cyclic prefix ( CP ) .

  29. 本文详细论述了OFDM系统中循环前缀在削弱符号间干扰(ISI)、载波间干扰(ICI)以及在实现时频同步中的应用。

    In this paper , the applications of cyclic prefix in the fields of weakening ISI and ICI and the realization of time-frequency synchronization in OFDM systems are discussed in detail .

  30. 利用Volterra核定量地分析了正交解调器输出端由于非线性电话信道引起的线性和非线性符号间干扰。

    By using the Volterra kernel , the quantitative analysis of Linear and nonlinear intersymbol interference at the output of the orthogonal modulator due to the nonlinear telephone channel is presented .