
fú hé
  • conform to;accord with;accord;in line with;fit;fit in;correspond;fulfills;suit;coincide;answer;tally with;live up to
符合 [fú hé]
  • (1) [conform to;fit;suit]∶与存在的式样、形式或标准一致

  • 符合标准

  • (2) [coincide]∶在本性、特性或作用上为一样或一致

  • 他干的工作符合他的爱好

  • (3) [accord with;tally with]∶在意见、意志或行动上一致

  • 符合要求

符合[fú hé]
  1. 这一行动不会符合我们的方针。

    This action would not be in accord with our policy .

  2. 该项目完全符合政府政策。

    This project is completely in accord with government policy .

  3. 只有60%的符合资格的投票人行使了选举权。

    Only 60 % of eligible voters actually used their vote .

  4. 从书面材料看,有几位申请人符合条件。

    On paper , several of the applicants fit the bill .

  5. 他们的经济政策多半符合大企业的利益。

    Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business .

  6. 没有一个候选人完全符合这个职位的标准。

    No candidate fulfils all the criteria for this position .

  7. 这个标志说明这些产品符合指定的标准。

    This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard .

  8. 他开始对他的立场是否符合道德准则提出质疑。

    He began to question the ethics of his position .

  9. 噢,首先,他符合一切条件。

    Well , in the first place he has all the right qualifications .

  10. 她的论证在某种程度上是符合事实的。

    To some extent what she argues is true .

  11. 心脏病使他不符合服兵役的条件。

    A heart condition disqualified him for military service .

  12. 这座建筑物不符合安全条例。

    The building does not conform with safety regulations .

  13. 英国有几处海滩不符合欧洲的清洁标准。

    A number of Britain 's beaches fail to meet European standards on cleanliness .

  14. 他们质疑这项法律是否符合宪法。

    They questioned the constitutionality of the law .

  15. 这个符合你的要求吗?

    Does this answer your requirements ?

  16. 外交部驳斥该报道为恶意报道,不符合事实。

    The Foreign Office dismissed the story as mischievous and false .

  17. 符合条件的雇员有96%接受了这个条件。

    96 per cent of the eligible employees took up the offer .

  18. 主管官员裁定这项动议不符合议事规程。

    The presiding officer ruled that the motion was out of order .

  19. 米歇尔先生说,13%的美国家庭符合贫困家庭的标准。

    13 percent of American households qualify as poor , says Mr. Mishel

  20. 这符合他的最大利益,同时也符合你的利益。

    It is in his best interests as well as yours

  21. 我认为像慢跑、举重这样的运动不符合自然规律。

    I consider activities such as jogging and weightlifting as unnatural

  22. 把自己的婴孩放在第一位,这完全符合雷切尔的性格。

    It was entirely in character for Rachel to put her baby first

  23. 部长们一致同意,这个决定完全符合经济情况。

    Ministers agreed that this decision was fully justified by economic conditions .

  24. 她女儿并不符合当今的完美女性标准。

    Her daughter doesn 't fit the current feminine ideal

  25. 恕我直言,那听起来不太符合常规。

    It doesn 't sound exactly orthodox , if I may say so .

  26. 经济的组织运行应符合所有人的利益。

    The economy should be organized to serve the interests of all the people

  27. 不符合规定的参赛作品将被取消资格。

    Entries which are not in accordance with the rules will be disqualified .

  28. 你的梦想似乎总是逐渐破灭,从来没有什么事情能完全符合你的预期。

    Your dreams always seem to evaporate , and nothing ever quite matches expectations

  29. 如果你符合要求,就寄一份简历给丽贝卡·里斯。

    If you fit the bill , send a CV to Rebecca Rees .

  30. 这些程序应该符合某些基本要求。

    The procedures should satisfy certain basic requirements .