
  • 网络symbolic constant
  1. 接下来,需确保您的原子变量使用ATOMICINIT符号常量进行了初始化。

    Next , you ensure that your atomic variable is initialized using the ATOMIC_INIT symbolic constant .

  2. 注意:这个表的大小是由符号常量NRsyscalls定义的。

    Note : The size of this table is defined by the symbolic constant NR_syscalls .

  3. 当errno设置为0时,将不会遇到任何问题,除非您无法用标准符号常量引用此设置。

    When errno is set to0 , you 've encountered no problems , except you can 't refer to this with a standard symbolic constant .

  4. 符号常量是一个用名字表示的常量,正如一个变量所表示的。

    A symbolic constant is a constant that is represented by a name , just as a variable is represented .

  5. 代码使用符号和常量组成的树形表示法(notation)。

    A notation for code using trees of symbols and constants .

  6. 在表的查找算法的实现中,通过辅助表的引入,解决了符号表和常量表的顺序填写法与Hash算法中表项记录的Hash函数定位法之间的矛盾这一难点。

    To fulfill the searching algorithm of symbol table and constant table , an assistant table is introduced to solve the problem caused by the use of Hash algorithm .