
  • 网络construction type;constructed type;stereotype
  1. 输入墙壁构造类型的标识符。

    Enter the identifier for the wall 's construction type .

  2. 可分为挤压型构造、扭动型构造、伸展型构造、岩浆岩构造四类及复合构造类型。

    May divide into the extrusion structure , sway from side to side the structure , the extension structure , the magmatic rock to construct four kind and the composite construction type .

  3. 本文应用湖南最新TM卫星假彩色合成计算机镶嵌图像,首次全面系统地研究了湖南境域北西向地质构造类型、展布规律、遥感地质特征,并详细研究了北西向地壳断裂活动历史。

    The authors studied entirely the structural types , the distribution law and the characteristics of remote sensing geology of the NW-strike structures in Hunan applying the newest set photography formed by computer in TM false color composite .

  4. 其质地优劣取决于硬玉等辉石类矿物在翡翠矿石中所占的比例,以及硬玉中微量Cr3+离子的含量、矿石的结构构造类型。

    Its quality is determined by the ratio of jadeit in the ore , Cr3 + content in the jadeit , texture and structure of the ore.

  5. 塔里木盆地西南坳陷构造类型与分析

    Structural Types and Analysis of the Southwest Depression in Tarim Basin

  6. 阿尔金盆地群构造类型与演化

    Structural Style and Tectonic Evolution of the Basins in the Altun Region

  7. 发震构造类型与震型预测

    Types of earthquake & generating faults and earthquake type forecasting

  8. 正反转构造类型及其研究方法

    Types of positive inversion structure and their analytical method

  9. 地震记录的频谱分析表明,该震群为典型的火山构造类型地震。

    The spectrum analysis shows that the earthquakes are typically volcanic tectonic earthquakes .

  10. 不同构造类型震例前,地震异常图像可能存在差异;

    Seismic anomaly patterns might be different before various tectonic types of earthquakes ;

  11. 矿床控矿构造类型为脆-韧性剪切断裂构造。

    The ore-controlling structures belong to brittle-ductile shear zones .

  12. 山西中、晚石炭世古构造类型

    The middle - Late Carboniferous paleostructure types in Shanxi

  13. 压力影构造类型及其剪切指向分析

    Types of pressure shadow structures with their shearing direction

  14. 武当地区构造类型及控矿特征

    Structural types and their ore-control caracteristics in Wudang area

  15. 混合岩建造的大地构造类型及其对比

    The tectonic types of migmatite formation and their contrast

  16. 海洋大地构造类型的岩石圈动力学分析

    The lithospheric dynamic analysis of oceanic geotectonic types

  17. 试论云南锡矿床控矿构造类型

    A trial discussion on the structural type of ore control for Yunnan tin deposits

  18. 用于构造类型专家系统的知识获取工具

    A Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Constructive Expert Systems

  19. 莱芜矿区属于伸展性掀斜断块构造类型。

    Structure type of laiwu mining area is the tensible , oblique fault block .

  20. 双层外墙的构造类型及其表现特征研究

    Double-wall Researches on Construction Styles & Appearance Features

  21. 柴达木盆地背斜构造类型及含油气性

    Types and oiliness of anticlines in Qaidam Basin

  22. 地洼盆地的构造类型及特征

    Tectonic types and characteristics of diwa basin

  23. 即使封闭泛型类型为封闭构造类型,也是如此。

    This is true even if the enclosing generic type is a closed constructed type .

  24. 内蒙古中部地区金矿床控矿构造类型

    The types of ore-controlling structures for gold deposits In the area of Central Inner Mongolia

  25. 珠江口盆地白云凹陷底辟构造类型及其成因

    Diapir Structure and Its Origin in the Baiyun Depression , Pearl River Mouth Basin , China

  26. ②非构造类型油气藏的勘探,如岩性油藏、尖灭油藏、水动力油藏等。

    Non structural traps , such as stratigraphic traps , pinch out traps , hydrodynamic traps ;

  27. 构造类型的分布具有分层分带性。

    Stratification and zonation of tectonics .

  28. 内蒙赤峰玄武岩不同构造类型之磁组构特征分析

    An analysis of magnetic fabric characteristics of different structural types of Chifeng basalts in Inner Mongolia

  29. 在构造类型{0}的实例时,代理属性返回了一个不兼容的对象。

    Proxy Attribute returned an incompatible object when constructing an instance of type { 0 } .

  30. 构造类型为背斜。

    Tectonic type is anticline .