
  • 网络Configuration transformation;inversion of configuration;configuration inversion
  1. 碱性条件下红霉素肟容易由E构型转化为Z构型从而达到平衡。

    The E configuration of erythromycin oxime was found to transfer easily to the Z configuration to equilibrium under the condition of alkalescence .

  2. 4-甲基甾烷由4β(CH3)构型转化成4α(CH3)构型,在未成熟阶段是较好的成熟度参数,而且4-甲基甾烷不会随成熟度增加而转化成正常甾烷;

    The alteration of 4-methyl sterane from a 4 β( CH_3 ) configuration to a 4a ( CH_3 ) is a better maturity parameter in the premature stage , and moreover , 4-methyl sterane will not alter to normal sterane as the degree of maturity becomes higher ;

  3. 双键立体构型转化用有机试剂

    Organic reagents used in the inversion of olefinic double - bond configuration

  4. 溴化钠和过硫酸钾催化下马来酸单甲酯的构型转化反应

    Isomerization of Monomethyl Maleate Catalyzed by the Combination of Sodium Bromide and Potassium Persulfate

  5. 研究表明,卵白蛋白的微观结构变化与S-构型转化有关。

    The results indicated that the changes in the microstructure of ovalbumin were relevant to S-configuration transformation .

  6. 这些剩余的双键就由天然的顺式构型转化为反式构型。

    These double bonds are transformed from the natural " cis " configuration to the " trans " configuration .

  7. 因此,本课题对用构型转化法制备17α-雌二醇的制备工艺作了一些探索性的工作。

    In this paper , some exploratory research as follows involving the preparation of 17 a - estradiol was carried out .

  8. 溶剂分子的空间位阻以及溶质-溶剂分子间相互作用导致溶液中构型转化过程的弛豫时间比气相中增长。

    The steric hindrance of the solvent molecules and intermolecular interactions result in longer relaxation time in THF solution than in gas phase .

  9. 规则甾烷的ααα20R构型向20S构型的转化,也随热模拟温度的升高逐渐增强。

    The transformation of steranes from ααα 20R model to 20S model gradually intensify along with the rising of thermal simulation temperature .

  10. 由于管柱的横向变形受到约束,管柱初始屈曲后将会经历正弦屈曲构型状态、向螺旋屈曲构型转化和螺旋屈曲构型状态,直至最后锁死,其后屈曲行为非常复杂。

    Due to the outer constraint of the circular cylinder , the buckled tubulars would undergo sinusoidal configuration , transition from sinusoidal to helical configuration and helical configuration , eventually it will be lock-up , so the post-buckling behavior is very complicated .

  11. 催化剂以NaHSO4代替H2SO4,以少量硅胶除杂,通过浓缩-石油醚结晶(R构型),母液再反应的方法,使S构型逐步转化为R构型。

    The catalyst H_2SO_4 is replaced by NaHSO_4 ; silica gel is applied to impurity removal ; S-formation is transformed to R-formation by the method of " condensation , petroleum ether crystallization ( R-formation ) and second mother liquor reaction " .

  12. 初始和平衡的八面体构型有不同的附加配位,苯基邻位氢配位比R基端位氢配位更为稳定,四面体构型的稳定性较低,构型转化主要受R基的推动。

    Initial and equilibrium octahedral configurations have different additional coordination , the coordination involving phenyl ortho-hydrogen is more stable than that involving terminal hydrogen of R group . The stability of tetrahedronal configuration is lower , the configurational transformation is primarily dependent on the size of R group s.