
  • Construction display;【石油】structural lead
  1. 大量透入性变形和巨型大陆造山带内部构造显示非刚性特征。

    The pervasive deformation and internal structure of wide continental orogenic belts indicate non-rigid behavior .

  2. 此功能在构造显示和操作授权实现的详细信息的用户接口时非常有用。

    This capability is useful in constructing user interfaces that display and manipulate details of an authorization implementation .

  3. Grid三维曲面构造与显示的算法及实现

    Algorithm and Realization of Structure and Display on Grid 3-Dimensional Curved Surface

  4. 变形构造研究显示阿尔金断裂带东段可划分成具有近水平拉伸线理的韧性左行走滑变形域(SS)和具有陡角度倾伏拉伸线理的收缩变形域(PS)。

    Studies of deformation structure in the eastern segment of the Altun fault zone indicate that it can be divided into the ductile sinistral strike-slip domain with subhorizontal stretching lineations ( SS domain ) and the contractional deformation domain with steeply plunging stretching lineations ( PS ) .

  5. 五轴加工中刀具扫描体的构造和显示

    Construction and Display of Tool Swept Volume in 5-Axis Machining

  6. 一种三维图形视景快速构造和显示方法

    A Method of Quickly Constructing and Rendering 3D Graphic Scene

  7. 离散光线跟踪在石油地质构造立体显示中的应用

    An Application of Discrete Ray Tracing to 3D Rendering of Petroleum Geology Structures

  8. 辅助器类为对象构造可显示的名字。

    Helper class for constructing displayable names for objects .

  9. 进而,根据线动成面的原理,构造并显示了刀具扫掠面。

    Furthermore , possible cases of the profile are enumerated and the cutter swept surface is constructed .

  10. 早期和主期构造变形显示强烈的顺层(片)韧性推覆剪切作用性质,是深层次构造变形的产物。

    The early and main phase structural deformations display strong bedding ( foliation ) ductile overthrust shearing nature .

  11. 奥陶系古构造面貌显示研究区在马家沟期和峰峰期存在一个旬邑-淳化坳陷。

    Ordovician palaeo-tectonic study shows that in Majiagou and Fengfeng period there was a Xunyi - Chunhua Depression in Southern Ordos region .

  12. 这些伸展构造样式显示秦岭微板块是以伸展作用发生陆壳变形的,可称为秦岭型伸展构造样式;

    These patterns of extensional structures suggested that deformations of the Qinling continental block with special continental dynamics had been undergone shearing extension .

  13. 晚期抬升;三期构造变形显示了燕山造山带早期构造的非极性演化特征,也显示了燕山地区的快速抬升和剥露过程。

    The three deformations display a non-polarity evolution characteristic for the early Yanshan orogene structure , and recorded a fast uplifting and stripping process .

  14. 加里东运动在盆地南部和秦岭北部造成的一系列构造现象显示,秦岭北部加里东期造山作用对盆地晚古生代沉积起到一定的控制作用。

    A lot of structure phenomenon was caused by Caledonian movements in southern basin and North-Qinling , which showing the sedimentary process was controlled by the orogenesis of north-Qinling in Caledonian .

  15. 显微构造观察显示,辉绿岩脆-塑性转化以稀疏弥漫状共轭塑性流动网络为特征。

    The micro structural observation shows that the transfer between the brittle and ductile properties in the diabase is dominated by the conjugated ductile flow network in the form of the rarefaction and diffusion .

  16. 本文所提出的基于虚拟技术的火灾训练系统包括:1.建筑三维地图构造和显示及与用户的交互;2.火灾的模拟;3.指导逃生和救援决策。

    Presented in this paper based on virtual technology , fire training system including : 1 . Construction and building three-dimensional map display and interaction with the user . 2 . Fire simulation . 3 . Escape and rescue to guide decision-making .

  17. 该文介绍了一种基于PC集群的多屏无缝拼接技术构造大场景显示系统的方法。

    A technique for seamless multi-projector displays based on PC-cluster is introduced .

  18. 构造演化分析显示多期多阶段热力作用特点。

    Structure evolvement analyses show multiphase and multistage characteristics of thermal action .

  19. 它们叠加在早期变形构造之上,显示出不同的构造特征。

    They superpose on the earlier deformation structure , showing different structural characteristics .

  20. 古近纪时期构造沉降速率显示出快速沉降特征主要由断层的强烈活动所致。

    Tectonic subsidence rate show the character of the rapid subsidence which is leaded by the activity fault in Paleogene .

  21. 在成矿过程中,不同类型断裂、不同类型构造岩带显示出不同的断裂动力蚀变特征和成矿元素组合。

    Analysis of its geochemistry shows that fault and fault-rock zones have differences in their metasomatic features and combinations of metallogenetic elements .

  22. 在利用其它语言的图形接口标准构造多图象显示系统时,读者完全可以借鉴这一处理方法。

    Readers can refer to this processing method when you construct multi-image display systems by means of other programming languages ' graphic interface .

  23. 您现在可以使用诸如^字符等构造,以显示与给定的文件规范不匹配的所有文件。

    You can now use constructs like the ^ character to display all of the files that don 't match a given file specification .

  24. 基于地震剖面的构造样式分析显示在形成断陷盆地的过程中存在两种应变模式。

    The analysis of structure pattern basing on the seismic section show there are two kinds of strain pattern forming the fault basin at Changling area .

  25. 而化石沉积物中特有的层状构造,则显示沉积泥沙的水流不再往北,而改向东流。

    And distinctive layered patterns in the fossilized sediments indicated that the water that deposited them was no longer flowing north ; instead it flowed eastward .

  26. 构造变形分析显示该区在三叠纪曾发生韧性变形,在侏罗纪早期产生韧&脆性变形;

    Analysis of tectonic deformation indicates that ductile deformation occurred in Triassic Period , ductile-brittle deformation occurred in Early Jurassic , while brittle deformation occurred after Jurassic Period .

  27. 常量和微量元素特征及构造环境判别显示,其形成于岛弧或陆缘弧及同碰撞构造环境,反映了原特提斯洋壳俯冲消减及随后的陆壳碰撞过程。

    The characteristics of trace elements , main elements and tectonic environment discrimination reveal that the rocks were formed in an island arc tectonic environment or a continental margin arc tectonic environment .

  28. 渭河盆地构造沉降曲线显示,不仅其曲线形态呈现多段式,而且与世界上典型的大陆裂陷盆地有较大的差别,反映出该盆地的特殊性和复杂性。

    In addition , the curves of tectonic subsidence indicated the " curve patterns " with multiple phases and also a great difference to those typical continental rifted basins in the world . It reflects the specific and complicated features of the Weihe River basin .

  29. 和短枝褶藓O.中部构造分带一般显示前缘断褶或复合叠加构造。

    The middle sub-belt generally displays front fault-folds or compound superimposed structure .

  30. 地震反射层位构造信息三维可视化显示技术研究

    A study on 3-D visualization display technique for tectonic Information from seismic horizon