
  • 网络magmatic water
  1. 成矿流体具有富含H2O、SO2-4、Cl-和高K+的特点,是岩浆热液和大气降水的混合流体;

    The ore forming fluid is characterized by rich H 2O , SO 2 - 4 , Cl - and K + , so it is the mixture of magmatic water and atomspheric water .

  2. 成矿流体具有低盐度、偏碱性、高硫低氧和相对还原的特点,是岩浆热液和大气降水的混合流体;

    The ore-forming fluid is the mixture of magmatic water and atmospheric water , and is characterized by the lower salinity and alkalinity , high sulfide and low oxidize reduced environment .

  3. H、O同位素资料指示成矿流体主要由大气降水、部分岩浆热液和变质热液混合演化而成。

    The hydrogen and oxygen isotopes show that ore forming fluid was mainly evolved from meteoric water , partial magmatic water and metamorphic fluid .

  4. S、H、O、Pb同位素组成表明成矿物质和成矿流体来自岩浆热液。

    S , H , O and Pb isotopes show that the ore-forming fluid and ( metallogenic ) material come from magmatic hydrothermal fluids .

  5. Cu,Bi物质来源于围岩和岩浆热液,主要以硫化物的形式迁移和富集;

    Cu , Bi material stems from enclosing rock and hot magma liquids . It moves in the form of sulphide and is rich in collections .

  6. 成矿溶液则具有多种来源,既有富含稀土元素的岩浆热液,也有富含F、Cl的贫稀土的深循环地下水热液参与。

    The ore-forming solution not only comes from the magmatic hydrothermal solution rich in REE , but also from the deep circulation warm groundwater rich in F-and Cl - but poor in REE .

  7. 在流体包裹体的w(Na+)-w(K+)-w(Ca2++Mg2+)成分三角图上表明金成矿流体和岩浆热液具亲缘关系;

    Na ~ ( + ) - K ~ ( + )( - Ca ~ ( 2 + )) + Mg ~ ( 2 + ) composition of fluid inclusions diagram shows intimate relationship between gold metallogenic fluids and magmatic hydrothermal fluids ;

  8. 400Ma时活动的中酸性岩浆热液不仅使超基性岩变质,而且使呈分散状态存在于超基性岩中的金一部分破活化而进入热液形成含矿热液。

    Acidic magmatic hydrothermal solution in 400 my not only causes metamorphism of the ultrabasic rock but also dissolves part of gold which is scattered in the ultrabasic rock .

  9. 3δ4S、1δ8O、δD及成矿温度和盐度等矿床地球化学特征均显示了岩浆热液活动是成矿的主导因素。

    Geochemistry parameters of δ ~ ( 34 ) S ,δ ~ ( 18 ) O ,δ D , mineralizing temperature , and salinity all exhibit that magmatic fluid activity is ore-forming dominant factor .

  10. 这些结果表明成矿流体与岩浆热液作用有关,流体朝温度降低、K2O含量降低的方向演化,K2O含量高的热液流体和260~380℃的形成温度有利于金的成矿作用。

    These results indicate that the mineralization fluids were associated with magmatic hydrothermal events and evolved toward lower temperatures and lower content of K-2O , but the hydrothermal fluids of higher K-2O and the temperatures of 260 ~ 380 ℃ may favor gold mineralization .

  11. 从早期到晚期含矿热液的酸度逐渐降低、1δ8O逐渐变小的演化特征与典型的岩浆热液矿床类似。

    The ( evolution ) characteristics that both the acidity and δ ~ ( 18 ) O of the ore-bearing hydrothermal fall gradually from the early epoch to the late , are similar to those of other typical porphyry deposits .

  12. 矿床成因类型为变质&岩浆热液叠加改造型。

    It is genetically of metamorphic - magmatic hydrothermal superimposed one .

  13. 大西沟金矿是一个典型的中浅成中低温岩浆热液型金矿床。

    Daxigou gold deposit is a typical meso-epithermal magmatic gold deposit .

  14. 岩浆热液系统中矿床类型、特征及其在勘探中的应用

    Ore Deposit Types and Characteristics of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems and Implication for Exploration

  15. 锡矿成因类型可划分为接触交代型、侵入岩浆热液型和风化矿床。

    E. contact metasomatic type , magmatic hydrothermal type and weathering type .

  16. 陶村铁矿床为与辉石闪长玢岩密切相关的岩浆热液型矿床。

    The Taocun iron deposit is a diorite porphyry related hydrothermal deposit .

  17. 岩浆热液系统金矿床研究进展

    Development of study on magmatic hydrothermal gold metallogenic system

  18. 以铜矿化为特征的晚海西期岩浆热液成矿作用;

    Late Hercynian magma-tic hydrothermal mineralization characterized by Cu ;

  19. 国外岩浆热液成矿理论研究现状与进展

    Advances of the magmatic hydrothermal ore-forming theory since 1980s

  20. 岩浆热液矿床的水/岩反应及微观找矿意义

    Interaction between water and rocks of magmatic hydrothermal deposit and microscopic prospective significance

  21. 它属于中温岩浆热液型矿床。

    The deposit belongs to the mesothermal magmatic-hydrothermal type .

  22. 苏木沟铜铅锌矿点具有岩浆热液稀土元素特征。

    The REE patterns are the magmatic hydrothermal characteristics in Sumugou Cu-Pb-Zn deposit .

  23. 矿床为与岩浆热液有关的受断裂控制的中温热液铅锌(银)矿。

    It is a magmatic hydrothermal fluid-related and cataclastic fracture-controlled mesothermal Pb-Zn deposit .

  24. 矿床(体)是岩浆热液、地层、构造综合作用和有机组合的产物。

    The ore deposit is the common product of magma , strata and structure .

  25. 80年代以来国外岩浆热液成矿理论取得重大进展。

    Since1980s important advances on the magmatic hydrothermal ore-forming theory have been made abroad .

  26. 岩浆热液出溶和演化对斑岩成矿系统金属成矿的制约

    Exsolution and evolution of magmatic hydrothermal fluids and their constraints on the porphyry ore-forming system

  27. 该矿床是热水沉积成矿作用与岩浆热液成矿作用叠加成矿的产物。

    The deposit was produced by superimposition of the hot-water sedimentary mineralization and magmatic hydatogenesis .

  28. 研究确定其成因类型为岩浆热液型金矿。

    It is considered as a magmatic hydrothermal type gold deposit based on the research results .

  29. 湖南双峰紫云山隆起区金矿受剥离断层控制,矿质主要来源于岩浆热液。

    The gold deposits in the uplift region of Ziyunshan are controlled by the detachment fault .

  30. 中国大陆环境斑岩型矿床:基本地质特征、岩浆热液系统和成矿概念模型

    Porphyry Deposits in Continental Settings of China : Geological Characteristics , Magmatic-Hydrothermal System , and Metallogenic Model