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Characteristics of metamorphic rocks and ductile shear deformation in Weixi county , yunnan Province
Discussion on the importance of ductile shear deformation in gold mineralizing process
The early ductile shearing ( DF_1 ), which is associated with regional D_2 deformation , is accompanied by the growth of synkinematic blueschist-facies minerals including glaucophane , garnet , epidote and phengite etc. with the development of a transposition foliation .
Most minerals , e.g. , amphiboles , are characterized by at least two generations , and the well-developed ductile-brittle shear deformations are shown by the development of folds , shear foliations or cleavages , S-C fabrics , NNE to NNW-striking stretching lineations and mylonitic microstructures .
Characteristics and Classification of Tectonite of Ductile Shear Deformation in Epimetamorphic Microclastic Rocks
Fractal and Self-Organization Developed in Ductile Deformation in the Crust of Southern Liaoning
Fabric Patterns in Three-Dimensional Deformations of Ductile Shear
The integer stratification shows no order and the ductile shear deformations are intense .
Deep ductile shear deformation and gold metallogenesis
The mineralization mechanism is that the brittle-ductile shearing deformation dynamically resulted in diagenesis and mineralization .
Characteristics of the right-lateral strike-slip ductile deformation of the central East Kulun tectonic m é lange belt
The rock group is characterized by a general order but internal disorder because of intense ductile shearing deformation .
Structural analysis shows that two phases of ductile shear deformation have taken place in the ophiolitic subduction complex belt .
Studies of various kinds of deformation structures , microstructures and magnetic fabrics indicate that it has undergone strong ductile shear .
Thus , this ductile shear zone might occur at a metamorphic grade of green-schist facies and at middle-shallow tectonic level .
The ductile shearing deformation took place contemporaneously with , but have a wider extent of influence than , the nappe deformation .
Danzhou Group of Guangxi with a great thickness contains turbidity current deposit and marine volcanic sequence with ductile shear deformation in it .
Because of strong shear deformation in the belt , the plastic flow deformation appears clearly , and the brittle shear deformation belt with clasolite is constituted .
The Variation of REE in the Process of Ductile Shearing : A Discussion on the Paper of Variation of REE Content in Shear Zone and Its Mechanism
The intensive ductile shear deformation in this subduction complex belt represents the deformation behavior of deep crustal level in the process of subduction to obduction / orogeny .
The structural dynamic mechanism is compressing northward Indian Plate and southward Siberian Plate caused brittle-ductile shearing deformation in upper crust , thus the minefield structural assemblage forms were formed .
In Ysashanian stage , it was characterized by ductile brittle and brittle faulting and formed a series of east west trending high angle thrust faults superposed on the early mylonite zones .
The late ductile shearing ( DF_2 ) formed in D_3 deformation phase is accompanied by the appearance of chlorite and barroisite etc. and dynamic recrystallization of albite , quartz and calcite .
And strata bound Sb Au deposit of fine vein dissemination type had been formed by the later superimposition of brittle ductile shear fault and by the circulation and deformation of the hot brine underground .
The main deformation of the ductile shear zone was the north-south shortening , and later the extension and strike-slip movement were main ways of deformation , so the shear zone was a superimposed ductile one .
Deformation Characteristics Study of Shanghe Ductile Shear Belt in West of Shandong Province
Features of deformed rocks in the ductile shear zone in the Wutai Mountain Area
The ductile shear process is not only metamorphism and deformation but also an important mineralization process .
The structural characteristic of ductile shear zone and its effect during mineralizing process in Wulong gold deposit , Dandong
The hydrothermal fluid-bearing brittle-ductile shear zone , which is progressively deformed is the key structure to control mineralization degree and industrial ore bodies emplacement directly .