
  • 网络retrogressive succession;regressive succession;inverse sueeession
  1. 残次林是林分逆行演替的结果。

    Remnant forest is as a result of forest regressive succession .

  2. 退化草场分级及其与群落逆行演替的关系

    The relation of the grading of the degenerated pastures and the community adverse succession

  3. 安徽东部地区11.5%的丘岭为石灰岩山地,植被类型以侧柏、麻栎低效林为主,部分岩石裸露面积大的地段甚至逆行演替为次生荒山灌丛。

    The area of limestone is up to 11.5 % in the region of eastern Anhui , in which Platycladus orientalis and Quercus acutissima are the dominant trees , the area with large exposed rock is even in retrograde succession to secondary shrub .

  4. 草原在长期超强度放牧压力下,发生逆行(退化)演替。

    The regressive succession is certain to take place with long and super-strongly grazing onthe steppe vegetation .