
nì liú cuì qǔ
  • countercurrent extraction
  1. 用微型机建立和辨识逆流萃取过程动态机理模型

    Dynamic Model Building and Identifying on the Countercurrent Extraction Process with Microcomputer

  2. 连续逆流萃取法从桔皮中提取果胶

    Continuous countercurrent extraction of pectin from citrus peels

  3. DEM与乙醇水溶液的逆流萃取研究

    Counter - flow Extraction Separation of DEM and Ethanol Aqueous

  4. 对醋酸乙酯多级逆流萃取绿茶茶多酚(TP)的工艺过程进行了理论分析。

    In this paper , a technology of multistage countercurrent extracting tea polyphenols ( TP ) from green tea with ethyl acetate as extractant was theoretically analyzed .

  5. 大蒜经过压榨后,汁液的流动性强,与超临界CO2之间的传质效果好,可以在高效萃取塔中实现连续逆流萃取,从而达到工业化生产的目的。

    After garlic was squeezed , the fluidity of garlic juice and mass transfer between the juice and SC-CO2 are good , so continuous countercurrent supercritical fluid extraction ( CC-SFE ) could be carried out in high performance extraction column , which made industrialization be feasible .

  6. 做为例证,对于二丁基亚砜(DBSO)萃取磷酸体系进行计算,利用逆流萃取并流反萃交替过程可能得到更高的传质效率。

    For example , counter-current extraction and parallel-current stripping with alternative arrangement can increase mass transfer efficiency for extracting H3 PO4 with Di-n-Butyl Sulfoxide ( DBSO ) .

  7. 银杏叶中有效成分的连续逆流萃取工艺

    The continuous countercurrent process of extracting available ingredients from gingko leaf

  8. 用假逆流萃取法对糠醛精制萃取塔理论段数的标定

    Theoretical plate number calibration of furfural extraction column using counter-current extraction test

  9. 醋酸乙酯逆流萃取绿茶茶多酚的研究

    Study on the Multistage Countercurrent Extracting Green Tea Polyphenols with Ethyl Acetate

  10. 高加浓铀连续逆流萃取工艺实验研究

    Study on counter current extraction process of high enriched uranium

  11. 糠醛水溶液逆流萃取中溶剂/原料比的确定

    Determination of Solvent / Raw Material Ratio in Extraction Process of Furfural-water Mixture

  12. 醋酸丁酯糠醛水体系逆流萃取模拟计算

    Simulation of extraction process for butyl-acetate-furfural-water system Count-current extraction of furfural from aqueous solution

  13. 双水相系统连续逆流萃取蛋白质&填料塔中的传质系数

    Continuous counter-current aqueous two-phase extraction of protein & mass transfer coefficient in packed column

  14. 多级逆流萃取的数学模型多级离心泵的故障与修复

    The mathematic model of multistage countercurrent extraction Troubles and Repair of Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pumps

  15. 糠醛水溶液错流和逆流萃取分离的模拟计算

    Simulation Calculation for Cross - current and Counter - flow Extraction Separation of Furfural and Water

  16. 高加浓铀连续逆流萃取二循环槽运行实验研究

    Experimental research of the process of second solvent extraction cycle of high enriched uranium with mixer-settler

  17. 串级萃取理论Ⅲ逆流萃取动态平衡的数学模型

    Theory of Counter Current Extraction ⅲ A Mathematical Model for the Dynamic Equilibrium of counter Current Extraction

  18. 红茶的提取物通常是用热水或沸水通过逆流萃取工艺来制取的。

    Black tea extracts are normally produced by a hot or boiling water extraction process , usually a countercurrent process .

  19. 逆流萃取和膜分离技术是近年发展的分离对映体药物或中间体的更为经济的手性分离技术。

    The countercurrent extraction and membrane separation developed recently are the cost effective chiral resolution technology for isolation of enantiotropic drugs .

  20. 结果表明,稀土分离多级逆流萃取过程是可控的。所设计的自动反馈控制方案是可行的。

    And the analyzer on-line adopted was made in China , It is shown that the controlling procedure designed is feasible .

  21. 采用挤压膨化和连续逆流萃取技术对银杏叶中有效成分的提取工艺进行了研究。

    By means of extrusion-expansion and continuous countercurrent extraction , the process of extracting gingko biloba extract from gingko leaf is studied .

  22. 本文根据逆流萃取模型推导出用排代法测定富集系放的计算式。

    An expression is derived for calculating isotope enrichment factor e by displacement chromatography on ion exchanger based on the countercurrent extraction model .

  23. 工艺主要流程为茶汤预处理后的多级逆流萃取、真空浓缩、纯化沉析、低温真空干燥。

    The primary technology processes are many scales of countercurrent extraction , vacuum concentration , a drop purification and vacuum drying in low temperature .

  24. 基于实验已确定的萃取条件,采用液膜逆流萃取技术分离特布他林对映体。

    Under the determined extraction ( conditions ), a new process of countercurrent liquid membrane extraction technology was adopted to separate ( terbutaline ) enantiomorph .

  25. 结果表明,萃取反萃交替过程的效率高于通用的多级逆流萃取过程。

    The results of computation showed that the efficiency of process with alternative extraction and stripping is higher than that of common multistage counter-current extraction process .

  26. MIBK3级逆流萃取金,草酸铵反萃制得纯度99.78%海绵金;

    Spongy gold of purity 99.78 % were obtained through MIBK 3 stages counter-current of Au extraction and ( NH 4 ) 2C 2O 4 back-extraction .

  27. 结果表明,与一次平衡萃取和逆流萃取工艺比较,这种工艺可以在较低的溶剂比下操作。

    The results showed that the process could operate at a lower solvent to oil weight ratio than the one-stage extraction process and countercurrent extraction process .

  28. 然后,在测定相平衡数据的基础上,计算并设计了分馏萃取流程对分离对象进行多级逆流萃取。

    Then , a series of liquid-liquid equilibrium data were determined . Through calculation and design , fractional extraction was employed for a multistage countercurrent extraction process .

  29. 离心,取上清液用氯仿以40mL/min流速逆流萃取,除去小极性杂质。

    In order to remove impurity of small polarity , the supernatant solution was extracted with chloroform by counter-flow extraction ( flow velocity 40 mL / min ) .

  30. 采用乳化液膜分离法,对苯丙氨酸的实际发酵液进行了间歇式单级萃取、拟三级逆流萃取和连续微分逆流塔式萃取。

    The actual phenylalanine fermentation broth was extracted with a liquid emulsion membrane by batch single stage , simulated three stage counter current and continuous counter current process respectively .