
fēn pèi dìnɡ lǜ
  • Distribution law;partition law;distribution low
  1. 试验结果产生独自分配定律,即等位基因独立遗传。

    This work let to the law of independent assortment , which states that the alleles of genes governing different characters are inherited independently .

  2. 新型复合精炼剂的精炼原理是通过吸附化合作用,并且在分配定律和重力及气泡浮选的共同作用下,从而达到除渣的效果。

    The principle of new composite refining agent is that , by the action of the distribution law , gravity and bubble flotation , the composite refining agent can adsorb and combine the molten slag .

  3. 黑体辐射的光谱分配由普朗克定律描述。

    The spectral distribution of a black body radiation is described by Planck 's.