
  • 网络overhaul
  1. 政策上的,人员上的,监查系统都被分解检查。

    Policy , staff , surveillance have all been overhauled .

  2. 分解检查单:怎样保证检查单具有可塑性。

    Segmented checklists : how to ensure checklist compliance .

  3. 采取排除法进行分解检查和试车验证,证明该振动是由转子不平衡所致。

    By the method of exclusion , the vibration failure was found to be caused by the unbalance of the rotors .

  4. 同时表明,结合现代信号处理技术和正确的分析思路,能够较为快速准确地定位故障,避免盲目的分解检查。

    It also shows that combining modern signal process technique with pertinent analysis method , the fault in aero-engine can be located quickly and accurately .

  5. 通过分析材料腐蚀试验数据和退役飞机结构分解检查数据,研究了飞机铝合金结构点蚀坑的几何尺寸。

    The data of material corrosion experiments and torn-down aircraft structures were analyzed and the geometrical characteristics of pitting corrosion of aluminum alloy parts of aircraft were studied .

  6. 将新的TLC法用于罗红霉素的有关物质及分解产物检查,结果令人满意。

    Good results were obtained when the novel TLC method was used in the examination of the related substance or degradation products in roxithromycin .

  7. 编制了调速器维修流程图,对调速器清洗、分解、检查、修理、组装等方面的技术进行仔细研究,确定了具体检查、修理方法。

    Drawing governor repair progress diagram , Techniques of governor cleaning , disassembling , check , repair , assembling are researched deeply . Check and repair methods are determined .

  8. 只需要把这个文件或者结构分解,并检查每一部分。

    Simply break the file or structure down and check each piece .

  9. 隆丁区分值又叫蛋白质区分值,是对麦芽蛋白质分解情况进行检查的一个量值。

    Lundin fraction value is also named as protein fraction value , which is an index of protein degradation in malt .

  10. 曲安奈德鼻喷雾剂在影响因素试验、加速试验和长期放置试验后,对样品进行外观性状、粒度、含量与分解产物等项检查,结果表明其均未发生明显变化;

    After stress testing , accelerated testing and long-term testing , the appearance , granularity , content and decomposition product of the preparation were examined .

  11. 对此,设计了目标分解单,提出了详细的计算方法、分解步骤和目标检查原则等。在研究中,综合运用了关键成功因子法(CSF)、层次分析法(AHP)等。

    For the sake of these , designed goals analysis table , brought forward detailed calculation method , step , examining principle , , applied synthetically CSF ( Critical Success Factors ) and AHP ( Analytic Hierarchy Process ) during studying course , as so on .