
  1. 研究小组发现了一些对DNA包装,染色体分离和富集至关重要的蛋白。

    The team found some were vital for DNA packaging , chromosome segregation and fertility .

  2. 固相微萃取(SPME)是一种简单快速的前处理技术,用于从基质中分离和富集分析物。

    Solid-phase microextraction ( SPME ) is a simple and fast extraction technique , which has gained widespread acceptance for analyte matrix separation and preconcentration .

  3. 用聚氨脂海绵对人尿内17-酮类固醇(17-KS)和17-羟皮质类固醇(17-OHCS)进行分离和富集。

    Using foam rubber 17-ketosteroid ( 17-KS ) and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid ( 17-OHCS ) were separated and collected in urine .

  4. 应用XAD系列树脂分离和富集天然水体中溶解有机质的研究进展

    A method of separate and concentrate dissolved organic matter by XAD resin in natural aquatic systems

  5. N-乙酰半乳糖特异性植物凝素分离和富集胎儿有核红细胞

    Isolation and enrichment of fetal nucleated red blood cells by using N-acetylgalactosamine-specific lectin

  6. 用化学物相选择性溶解法分离和富集铂钯矿

    Disintegration and Collection of Platinum and Palladium Minerals by Chemical Matter Phase Selective Solution

  7. 用氢氧化铁共沉淀水中痕量砷,沉淀用离心机分离和富集。

    The arsenic in water samples was first enriched by co-precipitation with iron hydroxide .

  8. 离子交换色层法分离和富集水中微量有机胂

    Separation and preconcentration of trace organ arsenic species in water samples by ion exchange chromatography

  9. 乙醇-碘化钾-硫酸铵体系萃取分离和富集铱活性炭负载单质碘催化合成季戊四醇单缩醛

    Extraction separation and enrichment of iridium by ethanol-potassium iodide in the presence of ammonium sulphate

  10. 含铟浸出液中铟与锑、铁的分离和富集

    Separation and Concentration of Indium from Leaching Solution of Containing Indium , Antimony and Iron Ions

  11. 聚氨酯泡沫塑料吸附分离和富集金机理的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on The Mechanism of Seperation and Concentration of Gold by Adsorption on Polyurethane Foam

  12. 这对分子印迹技术用于环境样品中除草剂青莠定的分离和富集具有重要意义。

    It was significant to separate and enrich herbicide picloram from environment sample by molecular imprinting technique .

  13. 难选鲕状赤铁矿石的分离和富集研究GB/T1871.2-1995磷矿石和磷精矿中氧化铁含量的测定容量法和分光光度法

    Separation and enrichment of refractory oolitic hematite ore Phosphate rock and concentrate Determination of iron oxide content Volumetric and spectrophotometric methods

  14. 热液学说不能完全解释金属从岩浆(或岩石)中分离和富集的自然条件。

    The hydrothermal hypotheses can not completely explain natural conditions of metal separation from magma ( or rocks ) and their concentration .

  15. 通过培养基组成成份的增减和细菌增长、种类和数量的研究确立了厌氧发酵产氢细菌的分离和富集培养基。

    Isolation and enrichment culture media were confirmed by the test of different composition and the species and amount of hydrogen-producing and fermentative bacterium .

  16. 磁性复合微粒具有优良的分离和富集特性,以磁性复合微粒为基础,开发相关试剂盒和仪器是我国在该领域的研发目标,以尽快填补国内空白。

    Magnetic particles have good properties of separation and enrichment for biomolecules , so our attentions should concentrated in developing kits and apparatus in our country .

  17. 通过接种经驯化分离和富集培养的污泥固有硫杆菌,在不同底物条件下对浓缩污泥中的重金属进行生物淋滤处理,并对污泥中重金属的滤除及酸化过程进行探讨。

    Bioleaching of heavy metals from thickened wastewater sludge with different substrates was studied with indigenous Thiobacillus isolated from native sludge and enriched by selected mediums .

  18. 样品中的镉用强阴离子交换固相萃取柱固相萃取预分离和富集后,用该方法测定,结果令人满意。

    Cadmium of sample is primarily separated and concentrated by strong anion exchanging solid phase extraction column , then using this method to determine cadmium , the result is satisfied .

  19. 将炼铝工业废渣赤泥用于催化热解试验,使生物油中化合物得到有效分离和富集,同时也为赤泥提供了一种新的利用途径。

    Red mud is used as a catalyst of biomass pyrolysis , which has a effective separation and enrichment effect of b-oil compounds , meanwhile provides a new utilization way of red mud .

  20. 基于磁性微球分离和富集的方法,建立了一种新型的无标记化学发光检测技术,并成功地应用于特定序列DNA&端粒的检测。

    Based on magnetic separation and preconcentration , a novel label-free chemiluminescence ( CL ) detection protocol was presented as exempli - fied by the successful determination of specific DNA sequence & telomere .

  21. 以制备的印迹聚合物作为固相萃取填料填充的分子印迹固相萃取柱,可对固态奶和液态奶中三聚氰胺进行选择性地分离和富集,平均回收率分别为90.2%、84.6%。

    Using this silica imprinted polymer as solid phase extraction filler can selectively separate and enrich melamine in milk powder and milk , with average recovery rate are 90.2 % 、 84.6 % respectively .

  22. 用分光光度法采用1-(2-吡啶偶氮)-2-荼酚作显色剂,用目标检测因子分析程序处理数据,不经分离和富集同时测定铜锌锰三组分混合体系。

    A method for simultaneously spectrophotometric determination of Cu , Zn , Mn in their mixture by factor analysis of target testing has been developed . 1 ( 2 pyridylazo ) 2 naphthol was used as development reagent .

  23. 本文提出了一种安全有效的从煤层气中分离氧气和富集甲烷的变压吸附流程,并建立了实验室规模的两塔真空变压吸附(VaporPressureSwingAdsorption,VPSA)装置。

    In this paper , a safe and effective oxygen removal and methane enrichment process is proposed which is based on vapor pressure swing adsorption ( VPSA ) .

  24. 因此,从基体中分离和预富集痕量元素显得十分必要。

    Hence , the preliminary separation and preconcentration of trace elements from matrix is often required .

  25. 在痕量和超痕量分析中采用分子(离子)印迹聚合物技术,使得化学分离和预富集技术获得重大突破。

    The introduction of ion - imprinted polymers (ⅱ P ) in trace and ultratrace analysis provides vital breakthroughs in pre-concentration or separation chemistry .

  26. 由于分离和预富集提高了测定的灵敏度,且避免了乙炔银的形成及背景吸收。

    For the seperation and preconcentration , the determination sensitivity can be increased , the formation of silver acetylide may be avoided and the absorption from background may be eliminated .

  27. 采用直接分离和选择富集培养的方法共分离到52株细菌,其中12株具有降解代谢阿特拉津的能力。

    The Atrazine degrading-bacteria were isolated by direct way and selective enrichment from soil exposed to herbicides spills and wastewater of pesticides production . 52 bacteria strains were isolated in all , only 12 strains of witch can degrade Atrazine in culture media .

  28. 综述了液膜分离技术在金属离子分离和富集中的应用进展,并指出其发展前景。

    The application process of liquid membrane technique on separation and concentration of metal ions are reviewed and its further developing potential is pointed out .

  29. 液膜分离技术具有传质速度快、选择性好、分离效率高、操作简便和易于实现自动化等特点,在分离和富集废水中的金属离子和有机污染物方面,展示了优良的性能。

    Liquid membrane separation technology has exhibited excellent characters on separation and enriching metal ions and organic pollutant in the industrial wastewaters due to their fast mass transport , great selectivity , high separation efficiency , convenient operation , and easy automatization .