
  • 网络Waiting Time;wait time;waiting list
  1. 基于PLC的电梯最小等候时间的集选控制算法

    PLC group control to minimum waiting time of elevator

  2. 对门诊流程再造前后病人等候时间进行比较,P0.05,差异有显著性。

    Comparison of reconstructed out-patient waiting time for patients before and after , P0.05 , significant difference .

  3. 在投诉当中,最多的是抱怨等候时间太长。

    Having to wait hours came high on the list of complaints .

  4. 这个技术方案可以解决传统Web应用带来的等待空白期的问题,加快了响应速度、缩短了用户等候时间。

    We can solve the problem of waiting for the window period , accelerating the response speed , shortening the waiting time for customers .

  5. QC小组干预缩短输液患者等候时间

    Application of Quality Control Group Activities to Shorten Patients ' Waiting Time Before Infusion

  6. 大家乐所需的等候时间可以接受。

    The waiting time in Cafe de Coral is acceptable .

  7. 指定在状态查询讯息间的单位等候时间。

    Specifies the time that the unit waits between Status Inquiry messages .

  8. 该机场在自己的网站上公布每个安检点的等候时间。

    The airport lists checkpoint wait times on its website .

  9. 以毫秒为单位的连接的平均等候时间

    The average wait time in milliseconds for a connection

  10. 购票或候餐等候时间很久。

    Buying tickets or waiting meals are time consuming .

  11. 签证预约等候时间可能根据季节性申请数量变化有很大浮动。

    Wait times for visa appointments can fluctuate significantly depending on seasonal demand .

  12. 直接相连的通道会增加时间滞后,即等候时间,以及降低性能。

    Directly connected channels increase time lags , or latency , and reduce performance .

  13. 服务器等候时间过长,没有应答。

    The server took too long to respond .

  14. 等候时间每分钟收费

    Waiting time charge for every one minute

  15. 条形码扫描器的运用缩短了超市结账台前的等候时间。

    Waiting times at supermarket checkouts have been reduced by the introduction of bar code scanners .

  16. 等候时间:由整个合伙小组决定您可以为个别乘客等候多久。

    Waiting times : decide as a group how long you 'll wait for a passenger .

  17. 这比医院最初报告的等候时间多了91天。

    That is on an average of 91 days longer than the hospital has initially reported .

  18. 我提名的人,面临者美国有史以来最长的批准平均等候时间。

    My nominees face a longer average confirmation wait than any in the history of our country .

  19. 请登陆美国官方网站查阅有关签证面谈及等候时间的最新信息。

    S Embassy 's web site for the latest updates on visa interview availability and wait times .

  20. 目的探讨优化门诊服务流程对患者门诊等候时间的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of grading-up out-patient clinic flow-sheet to the patients , waiting time .

  21. 护理干预对手术室病人术前等候时间的影响

    Affect of Nursing Intervention on the Duration of Waiting in the Operating Room of Patients Before Undergoing Surgery

  22. 它已开始加速发行审批,将等候时间减少到一个月多一点。

    It has started to fast track issuance approval , cutting waiting times to just over one month .

  23. 州长克里斯蒂说,他希望新的限油措施能减少民众在加油站的等候时间。

    Governor Christie says he is hoping the new restrictions will lead to shorter wait times at the pump .

  24. 在驻世界各地的大多数使领馆,签证申请面谈等候时间不到一星期。

    At most posts around the world , visa applicants wait less than one week for an interview appointment .

  25. 结果激发了护士的工作积极性,缩短了患者的注射等候时间,提高了工作效率和患者的满意度。

    Result The results showed that this method inspired nurses working enthusiasm and shortened patients waiting time before receiving injection .

  26. 我们今年已经显著减少了签证预约的等候时间,我对这一成功感到非常高兴。

    I am very pleased at the success we have had in significantly reducing wait times for visa appointments this year .

  27. 为减少车主的等候时间,“网上车管所”开始受理网上预约。

    To reduce the waiting time of car owners , an " online vehicle management station " began to accept online reservations .

  28. 总的疾病费用中,关节炎患者的门诊花费、门诊等候时间折合费用显著高于对照。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    In total disease expenditure that including arthritis related outpatient expenditure and time waiting cost for treatment were higher than control group significantly .

  29. 虽然反馈总体上是积极的,但也还是有一些批评的声音,包括游乐设施等候时间长达一个多小时,

    While feedback has been generally positive , some criticisms have included wait times of up to more than an hour for rides ,

  30. 铲斗维修简便-只需更换磨损部位,更换的零部件等候时间因此缩短。

    Ease of bucket repair-only the worn or damaged areas have to be replaced , and lead time on replacement parts is again reduced .