
  • 网络Grade score;scale score;scaled score
  1. 由于等级分数的建立违背了统计规则,因此它破坏了HSK分数的有效性。解决这个问题的办法是,第一,取消HSK的等级分数;

    Since the grading of HSK has violated statistical rules , the validity of HSK score has been subject to question .

  2. 这里没有测试,没有家庭作业,没有等级分数。

    There are no tests , homework , or grades .

  3. 它占了整个等级分数的25%,共有5页的问题是关于这一标准的。

    And that takes almost 25 % of the weighting in the ranking scores . And there are 5 pages of questions on that .

  4. 通过优秀组和普通组在胜任特征频次、平均等级分数、最高等级分数上的差异性检验,获得优秀乡镇卫生院院长鉴别胜任特征。

    Differentiating competences of excellent heads can get form the comparisons of competence frequency 、 average grade scores and highest grade scores in excellent and general groups .

  5. 降价权总分折算为百分等级分数,取前27%为教学优秀;后27%为教学不良;中间人群为教学普通。

    The outcomes are ranked with percentage , with the first 27 % as teaching excellence , the last 27 % as teaching badness , and the rest as teaching ordinary .

  6. 进而运用多元概化理论检验量表的总体信度、量表作为标准参照性测验的整体信度及相应的等级分数线的决策信度;

    In addition , the multi-generalizability theory was used to test the whole reliability of the scales , the whole reliability of the scales as a standard reference test as well as the determination reliability of the ranking cut-lines .

  7. 分析了环境质量综合评价方法的不足之处,引入了等级分数矩阵和环境评价值,提出了最小隶属原则,建立了改进的环境质量综合评价模型。

    The deficiency of environmental quality comprehensive assessment method was analyzed , the grade fraction matrix and the environmental assessment value were introduced , the principle of minimum subordination was advanced , and the model of environmental quality comprehensive assessment was established .

  8. POMS量表是神经行为测试组合中用以反映受试对象情感状态特征的问卷,包括65个题目,每一项情感状态均分为5个等级(分数越高情感越强烈)。

    POMS questionnaire that used to reflect the mood states of the subjects was Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery , including 65 questions , and every question was divided into five levels ( the higher the level was , the stronger the emotion would be ) .

  9. 而研究生院也得竭力心思来判断这些申请人高等级的分数是否为浮夸的等级。

    S.higher education , that is becoming the despair of employers and graduate school trying to judge the merit of applicants loaded down by high but often inflated grades .

  10. 可能总入学率,等级和分数就越是低,最后录取就将由招生人员来决定。

    The lower the overall admission rate , the more likely it is that grades and scores are not the point where a final admission decision will be made by admissions officers .

  11. 学生完成作业的形式也单一,仅限于书面作业,其他形式较少,作业评价主要以等级和分数形式为主,难以体现个别差异,等等。

    The style of homework is also single , which is limited to written forms . There are only a few other types . The main way of evaluating homework is grade and score , which is hard to represent individual differences .

  12. 经过汉语言学、心理测试专家和幼儿园教师对测题和测试工具的审核,采用SPSS软件对预试和试用结果进行统计分析,最终形成正式量表,并建立了百分等级和T分数常模。

    The final scale and norms are audited by Chinese linguists , psychologist and teachers in kindergarten , statistically analyzing the results of pretests and tests by SPSS .

  13. 由模型计算得出的评判等级和评判分数,可作为在役钢筋混凝土构件和结构耐久性进行定量评估和定性评判的依据。

    The result of the model can be the basis of the durability assessment of the existing reinforced concrete members and structure .

  14. 实验二要求15名在职对外汉语教师对10篇记叙性阅读材料的难易程度进行等级评定,计算等级评定分数与可读性分数之间的相关关系。

    In the second experiment , 15 Chinese teachers were asked to evaluate the difficulty of 10 narrative texts . The correlation between the teachers ' judgment and the reading scores was calculated .