
  • 网络samadhi
  1. 上年纪的人对现代音乐像说唱、摇滚音乐和重金属摇滚乐等持反对意见。

    The old-timers take objection to modern music , such as rap , rock'n'roll , and heavy metal .

  2. 针对这种情况,国内外先后研究了电磁法、电容法、电导法、光纤法等持水率测量方法。

    Under such state , new water holdup measuring methods such as electromagnetic , capacitor , electric conductivity and optical fiber are studied in home and abroad .

  3. 几乎无人处在谷歌(Google)母公司Alphabet那样的位置上,该公司对押注于自动驾驶汽车等领域持长远眼光,但如今就连Alphabet也开始对这样的“登月式项目”何时带来回报感到不耐烦。

    Few are in the position of Google parent Alphabet , which has taken the long view on bets like driverless cars - and even Alphabet these days has a new sense of impatience about when it will see returns from " moonshots " like this .

  4. 国际组织如联合国、际人类基因组织等多持谨慎的态度。激发人们的责任感与其说是组织结构问题,不如说是组织态度问题。

    Getting people motivated to take on responsibility is not a question of organizational structure so much as organizational attitude .

  5. 结果大部分职业高中学生对婚前性行为等问题持中立态度,学生中有过边缘性行为及性行为经历者分别占45.63%和13.88%。

    Results The majority of the students held a neutral attitude toward the premarital sex . The percentage of the students who already had marginal sex behaviors and sex intercourse was 45.63 % and 13.88 % respectively .

  6. 对巴基斯坦等国人员持用F和L签证情况及违法活动的调查

    Investigation on the Exit-Entry Visas of Pakistani and Illegal Activities in China

  7. 或许,作为外来者,对自动化和外包等既定事实持怀疑态度,会有助于成功。

    Perhaps it helps to be outsiders , sceptical about such givens as automation and offshoring .

  8. 而我省网球教练员的水平较之羽毛球、乒乓球等相同的持拍隔网对抗型项目而言存在一定的差距。

    A thorough survey has been made of the present conditions of volleyball coaches in traditional sports schools versus amateur sports schools in Shandong Province .

  9. 然而,我怀疑埃克森美孚等公司所持的传统而僵化的单边立场,是否最适合微妙、多边的地缘政治现实。

    I question , however , whether the traditional , rigid , unilateral stance of a company such as Exxon is best-suited to nuanced , multilateral geopolitical reality .

  10. 但是,人们对扩招和研究生培养机制改革是否能真正地缓解就业压力、提高教育质量等问题一直持怀疑态度,尤其是对两年制的硕士研究生更为担心。

    However , college expansion and reform of postgraduate training mechanism really can ease employment pressure and enhance the quality of education and other issues have been suspected , especially for the two-year postgraduate .

  11. 而且问卷调查和访谈表明:实验班学生在学习兴趣、学习动机、学习独立性和阅读能力等方面都持肯定态度并在一定程度上有所提高。

    And it was found in the questionnaire and interview that the students from the experimental class were positive about their learning interest , learning motivation , degree of independence and reading capabilities , and demonstrated some improvements on these aspects to some degrees .

  12. 灌肠加工工艺中对腌制时的pH值、机械处理条件以及熟制时的温度等对制品的持水性、结着性都有影响。

    During making sausages certain machine processing , such as stirring , cutting and the temperature could affect the property of holding water and capacity of combination .

  13. 试桩的成孔经验数据等应作为鉴别持力层分层依据。

    The test pile becomes the hole empirical data and so on to hold the strength level lamination basis as the distinction .

  14. 上述结果提示饮水铝盐除氟、铝剂药物、含铝添加剂等应用,应持慎重态度。

    Therefore using aluminium salts in water coagulation , defluorination of drinking water , some aluminium containing drugs and additives must be with caution .

  15. 作为票据制度基础的票据行为无因性制度的立法理念就在于充分发挥票据的流通、信用等职能,降低持票人的风险,同时保障票据流通更为简便、灵活和迅速。

    As a basis of the bill system , the theory of non-causa in bill conduct can fully exert the functions of the bill , reduce the risk of bill bearer and ensure convenience , flexibility and rapidity of the negotiability of bill .

  16. 接着从业务流程入手,分系统进行需求分析,消费者从移动快线客户端或移动快线门户网站获得本地生活信息,电子优惠券,会员卡等信息,并持会员卡、优惠券等到商家消费,获得便利。

    Then , starting from the business process , analysis for each system , consumers from M-express client or M-express portal to obtain information on the local community information , e-coupons , membership cards and membership card , coupons wait until the business consumer , convenience .