  • shit;excrement;droppings;crap;dung;faeces;cack
  • 大便,粪。

  • 眼、耳所分泌的东西:眼~。耳~。

  • 嘲笑低能的:~棋。~诗。


(从肛门出来的排泄物; 粪) excrement; faeces; dung; droppings:

  • 鸡屎

    chicken droppings;

  • 牛屎

    cow dung;

  • 拉屎

    empty the bowels; shit


(眼睛、耳朵等器官里分泌出来的东西) secretion (of the eye , ear, etc.):

  • 耳屎


  1. 在他人生的最后几年里,土成用自己的屎尿做肥料,生产出来的粮食足够他本人吃的了。

    In the last few years of his life , Tucheng used his own excrement as fertilizer and produced enough grain for him to live on .

  2. 骆驼屎!你实在是我们这边的一个倒刺。

    Camel dung ! $ you are indeed a thorn in my side .

  3. 一粒老鼠屎败坏一锅汤。

    Just a bit of a mouse 's dropping will spoil a whole saucepan of broth .

  4. 单猪屎豆碱的2DNMR农甲氮氧化物及农甲吡咯衍生物半合成研究

    2D NMR study on monocrotaline semisynthesis of N-oxide and pyrrole derivatives of monocrotaline

  5. 我尝试去把做模特当做是一种艺术工作,摆pose去建造不同的天屎们。

    I try to see modeling as artwork , posing a different way to make different angles .

  6. 中草药提取物对蜜蜂屎肠球菌(Enterococcusfaecium)的抑制作用研究

    The Antibacterial Effect of Chinese Herb Extracts On Honeybee Pathogen Enterococcus faecium

  7. 结果表明在追求低出水COD目标时,间歇进水方式较连续进水的处理方式更适合屎尿污水处理。

    The results imply that intermittent feeding mode is more suitable for treating human excrete wastewater to achieve lower COD in effluent with UASB than continuous feeding mode .

  8. 菽麻(crotalariajunceaLinn·)为豆科猪屎豆属的一年生草本植物。

    Crotalaria juncea Linn . is an annual herbaceous plant of Crotalaria Linn .

  9. 屎肠球菌类毒力基因hyl的致病性研究

    Study on Pathogenicity of Putative Virulence Gene of Enterococcus Faecium

  10. 而且临床上耐万古霉素肠球菌也绝大多数是屎肠球菌,在美国ICU达到了25%。

    Vancomycin resistant enterococci , most of which are E. faecium , are now responsible for 25 % of enterococcal infections that occur in ICU in the United States .

  11. 屎肠球菌hyl基因突变株的构建及功能研究

    Construction hyl mutant and researching on function of hyl gene of Enterococcus faecium

  12. F4成员朱孝天在自己的微博中表示,F4难以重聚的原因是“有一颗老鼠屎在”。

    F4 ` s Ken Chu wrote on his Sina Weibo micro blog the reunion would not take place because of a " mouse shit " .

  13. Hyl有可能作为预防屎肠球菌口服疫苗的候选抗原。

    The recombinant Hyl fusion protein could be used as an oral vaccine candidate antigen for prevention of E. faecium .

  14. 耐万古霉素屎肠球菌(VREF)是最主要的VRE,国内外均报道VREF基本上对所有抗菌药耐药。

    Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus faecium ( VREF ) is the mostly VRE . It is almost all antibiotics-resistant .

  15. 而有人猜测这颗老鼠屎暗指的就是队友言承旭。有报道说,言承旭受邀与章子怡一起主演新版《花木兰》,由于戏约在身甚是繁忙,所以对F4重组的事情并不上心。

    This was taken to refer to band mate Jerry Yan , who has been plucked to play the lead opposite Zhang Ziyi in the new Mulan movie and is reportedly so busy he ` s not interested in reforming F4 .

  16. 结论VanA型万古霉素耐药肠球菌中均为屎肠球菌,其万古霉素耐药基因可在肠球菌间水平转移。

    Conclusion In this study , all of VanA type vancomycin resistant Enterococci were Enterococcus faecium with vanA gene positive , and the VanA type vancomycin resistance can horizontal transfer between Enterococci .

  17. 肠球菌高水平庆大霉素耐药(HLGR)和高水平链霉素耐药(HLSR)检出率高,屎肠球菌中HLGR、HLSR的比例88.2%、67.6%分别高于粪肠球菌的68.8%、50.0%;

    High-level gentamicin resistance ( HLGR ) was 88.2 % and high-level streptomycin resistance ( HLSR ) was 67.6 % in E. faecium , which were higher than 68.8 % and 50.0 % in E faecalis respectively .

  18. 冰姐,吉屎偷了公司婴儿产品的资料。

    Bingo , Gus stole the company 's baby product info .

  19. 屎霸干得好,我以他为傲。

    Spud had done well . I was proud of him .

  20. 目的1.总结术后难治性屎肠球菌感染的危险因素。

    To discuss the risk factors of Enterococcus faecium after surgery .

  21. 我们会把你头发上的屎洗掉。

    We 're just gonna get the poop out your hair .

  22. 屎肠球菌透明质酸酶基因致病意义的研究

    Pathogenic implication of hyaluronidase gene ( hyl ) of Enterococcus faecium

  23. 里面有“运气君”(unchi-kun),就是一坨笑眯眯的屎。

    There is the unchi-kun , or the smiling poop emoji .

  24. 屎肠球菌对除糖肽类抗生素以外的所有临床常用抗菌药物显示高水平耐药。

    Enterococcus faecium displayed high-level resistance against antibiotics in addition to glycopeptides .

  25. 对不起,我卸给你如此多的私人屎。

    Sorry I unloaded so much of my personal shit on you .

  26. 经过权衡,经验丰富的经济学家吃了屎拿到了钱。

    After evaluating the proposal experienced economist eats shit getting the money .

  27. 你脑子里面都是屎吗?

    What is in your head ? Full of shit ?

  28. 我们甚至需要吃他们回收的屎吗?

    Do we even need to eat their recycled shit ?

  29. 和我们以前一砣屎的生活不同?

    As opposed to the piece-of-shit life that we had ?

  30. 是啊,有只鸟刚把屎拉我身上了

    Yeah , and a bird just took a crap on me .
