
  1. 乐观者等至深夜,为的是看到新的一年开始。

    An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in .

  2. 它躺在我下面直等至天明,好象一只猫空守着一只老鼠,它已经登上了安稳的地方。

    He lay below me till day , like a cat watching in vain for a mouse that has reached a place of safety .

  3. 其实、个宁静晚上与友人品评美酒佳肴,又何需呆等至平安夜?

    Yet , to have a silent night tasting good food and fine wine with friends , why should one wait until the Xmas eve ?

  4. 乐观者等至深夜为的是看到新一年的开始,而悲观者等到深夜只是想证实旧年的去世。

    An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in . A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves .

  5. 患者取俯卧位或侧卧位,在CT引导下用20G×100mm穿刺针,取侧旁穿刺进针,注射皮质类固醇等药物至硬膜外间隙。

    In prone position or lateral recumbent position , with CT guidance and 20G × 100mm puncture needle , the puncture with paramedian access was performed , and injection of corticosteroid into the epidural space was followed .

  6. 以替换两座已有115年历史的桥梁,这两座桥用于行人、公园车辆等通行至公羊岛。

    to replace two 115-year-old stone bridges that allow pedestrians , park vehicles and utilities access to Goat Island .

  7. 在主体方面,从机动车驾驶人、行人等扩大至车辆所有人,车辆挂靠单位、公路管理部门。

    In main body , expand motor vehicle driver 、 pedestrian to vehicle owner 、 vehicle adjunct organization 、 road managerial department .

  8. 阿特拉津具有土壤淋溶性,易被雨水、灌溉水等淋溶至较深层土,或是随地表径流进入地表水和地下水中。

    Atrazine has a good solubility in soil , so it easily migrates to deep layer or transported to the surface water or groundwater by the river .

  9. 根据罗内恩的说法,Farmigo系统对农民还有另一个好处:他们能立刻收到顾客的付款,而在其他模式下,农民通常得等上30至60天才能拿到钱。

    Another advantage advantage for farmers in the Farmigo system , according to Ronen : They 're also paid immediately directly by the consumer , rather than the standard 30-60 days .

  10. 拓扑空间中的连续映射保持连通性,连通性具有有限可积性等均可推广至弱区别度空间中。

    Many properties of topological spaces can be extended to weak distance measure spaces .

  11. 但开张近一年后,现在如果你在中午12点以后来这里就餐,就得等上15至20分钟。

    But close to a year later , there is still a15-to20-minute wait for lunch if you arrive after noon .

  12. 电信业者、电脑软硬体业者及有线电视业者等逐渐汇流至语音、资料传输及网路整合业务上相互竞争。

    Telecommunication companies , computer hardware and software companies , and cable operators converge to compete for voice traffic , data traffic , and integration of networks .

  13. 图布里鞋的起价为750美元,靴子为1450美元,顾客必须要等上6至8周才能拿到鞋。

    Prices for Tupli shoes start at a hefty $ 750 for shoes and $ 1,450 for boots , and customers must wait six to eight weeks for them .

  14. 燃烧器中的流动参数分布采用颗粒流体动理学封闭的拟流体模型进行计算,计算得到的空隙率、颗粒速度等参数耦合至反应、传热等过程的方程中求解。

    Flow parameters in the chamber was calculated from a pseudo-fluid model closed by the kinetic theory of granular flow , and was incorporated into the reaction and heat transfer models .

  15. 把含有害离子的废液,经由电解、化学、离子交换、膜分离等方法下降至排放标准。

    Its processes the liquid with harm ion , by descending to the exhaustion standard through the methods , such as electrolysis 、 chemistry 、 ion exchange and the film separation etc.

  16. 任何人因任何理由而在坟场内造成损毁,不论是否出于故意,均须负有法律责任将该等损毁修复至委员会满意的程度。

    Any person causing damage , for any reasons , whether wilful or otherwise , within a cemetery shall be liable to make good the same to the satisfaction of the board .

  17. 如买方发现设备存在瑕疵后,应当立即以书面方式通知卖方其认为设备中所存在的瑕疵;并且,将该等设备运至卖方指定地点。

    3If the Buyer discovers an apparent defect in any of the goods then the buyer must immediately notify seller in writing and also return the goods to the place nominated by the seller .

  18. 本周,数以百计的装有种子的灰色盒子从叙利亚、墨西哥等地运至全球种子地库,藏于这个冷冻库之中。

    Here at the Global Vault , hundreds of gray boxes containing seeds from places ranging from Syria to Mexico were moved this week into a freezing vault to be placed in suspended animation .

  19. 信实电力规划的发电厂建设成本可能高达300亿美元,而涡轮、锅炉和发电机组等核心设备至少将占其中一半。

    The cost of Reliance Power 's power plant plans could reach $ 30bn , with core equipment such as the turbine , boiler and generator sets accounting for at least half this sum .

  20. 在传统的防抱死系统中,由于没有额外的传感器测试更多的参数,以及路面的不平度、信号的干扰等原因,至使路面辨识非常困难。

    In traditional system of ABS , a discriminate of road surface is very difficult because of no more extra & sensors for more parameters , undulate degree of road surface , interference of signals etc.

  21. 中国远洋采取的相应措施是,将部分运力从美国长滩、加州和纽约等港口转移至加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的鲁伯特王子港,从而令每次航程节省近3天的时间。

    Cosco has responded by shifting capacity from US ports such as Long Beach , California , and New York to Prince Rupert in British Columbia , Canada , saving ships almost three days each trip .

  22. 转基因油菜生长力弱,出现着大面积的死亡,并伴随着不花不育等现象,至成熟期共收获得到5株转基因TO代油菜种子。

    The transgenic oilseed rape has poor growth power , and most of them died with the growth period , and accompanied by the flowerless and sterile phenomenon , only five transgenic TO rape seed were obtained .

  23. 最后,为了将巷道内的人员数量等信息传送至地面监控室,系统设计了以太网通信模块,便于接入煤矿监控系统。

    Finally , in order to send the number and other information to the control center on the ground , the system is designed with an Ethernet communication module , which facilitates the system accessing to the mine monitoring system .

  24. 总督会同行政局可藉在宪报示明的命令,以任何方式修订本条例的附表,但对射击练习区的修订,不得将任何该等地区伸展至香港及其领海之外。

    The governor in Council may by order signified in the Gazette amend the schedules to this Ordinance in any manner whatsoever provided that no amendment of the firing areas shall extend any such area beyond Hong Kong and its territorial waters .

  25. 小细胞网状核(Rpc)、旁巨细胞网状核等都有下行至脊髓的纤维。

    The nucleus reticularis parvocellularis and nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis gave off only a few fibers to the spinal cord .

  26. 而等成的任期至他或被理事免止。

    And such members shall hold office until they resign or are removed from office by the council .

  27. 影响非线性层析效果的因素较多,采用以下措施来保证非线性层析静校正质量:①通过自动拾取、交互修改和质量控制等手段提高初至时间的拾取质量;

    Applying automatic pick - ing , interactive modification and quality control etc. To improve the quality of first arrival picking ;

  28. 我司亦同时出口各种规格之中国大蒜、云豆、花生等各种农产品至世界各地。欢迎新旧客户随时洽谈业务。

    We are also exporting garlic of various specification , kidney beans groundnut kernel and different agricultural products to worldwide countries .

  29. 发生滑坡后,当地300多人被组织疏散,帐篷、事物、和饮用水等物资已运送至现场进行发放。

    Tents , food and water were transported to the village as part of the rescue effort after about 300 people were evacuated .

  30. 我们主要生产高档的户外休闲服、运动服、外衣、多功能防水服等,并分销至欧美等地区。

    We specialize in high-end outdoor leisure clothing , sportswear , coats , multi-functional waterproof clothing , etc and export to Europe and United States .