
  • equivalent sphere
  1. 导出了在等效球上和地球表面上推算混合重力异常及扰动位的计算公式。

    The calculation formulas for driving mixed gravity anomaly and disturbance potential on the equivalent sphere and earth surface are given .

  2. 术后等效球镜、球镜以及柱镜度数均较术前显著降低(p0.05)。

    There was a significant decrease in spherical equivalent between pre-operation and post-operation ( p0.05 ) .

  3. 两组术后1月到3月的等效球镜度数变化量相比无显著性差异(p0.05)。

    The amounts which SE changed from 1 month to 3 month postoperatively were similar in both groups ( p0.05 ) .

  4. 冰云光学特性与等效球Mie理论的误差分析

    Optical properties of ice clouds and error analysis under Mie theory of equivalent spheres

  5. 等效球镜值≥8.00D患者中,MMC组好于对照组(P<0.05)。两组眼部刺激症状和角膜上皮愈合时间差异均无显著性(P>0.05)。

    There is no difference of ocular irritation symptom and corneal epithelium healing time between the 2 groups .

  6. 用等效球Mie理论计算冰云光学特性的一种新方法

    A new method calculating optical properties of ice clouds using Mie theory for equivalent Ice Sphere

  7. Q值与等效球镜之间有较弱负线性相关关系,与角膜曲率、Z40、角膜散光(ΔK)均有直线相关关系。

    Poor negative relationship was found between Q value and spherical equivalent . The Q value show line related with cornea curvature 、 Z40 and cornea astigmatism .

  8. 等效球镜的屈光度下降2.50~6.00D(平均4.75D);

    The spherical equivalent refraction was reduced from 2.50 D ~ 6.00 D ( mean 4.75 D ) .

  9. 方法对32例(55眼)远视患者进行LASIK治疗,随访5年。其术前平均等效球镜值为+4.26D(+0.75~+6.50D)。

    Methods Patients whose mean preoperative spherical equivalent was + 4.26 D ( + 0.75 ~ + 6.50 D ) and had been treated with LASIK for hyperopia ( 32 individuals , 55 eyes ) participated in a 5-year follow-up study after surgery .

  10. 正廿面体病毒的圆球度及其与等效球间关系的研究

    The Sphericity of Icosahedral Viruses and Correlation of the Sphericity with Equivalent Spheres

  11. 等效球模型模拟冰晶云反射的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Equivalent Spheres Model for Computing the Reflection Properties of Ice Clouds

  12. 角膜中央到周边曲率与等效球镜度的回归系数逐渐增加。

    The regression coefficient between corneal power and the refractive error increased from apex to peripheral area .

  13. 所有入选患者的屈光度(等效球镜度数)均在+3.00~-3.00D之间。

    The refractive range ( spherical equivalent ) of all these subjects was between + 3.00D and -3.00D .

  14. 方法选择4~9岁混合性散光儿童38例66眼,每年予1%阿托品扩瞳检影验光1次,连续4年,记录屈光状态,分析其等效球镜、远视、近视屈光度及散光度的动态变化。

    Methods Thirty-eight patients with mixed astigmatism between 4 and 9 years of age ( 66 eyes ) were examined annually over a 4-year period with cycloplegic retinoscopy after administering 1 % atropine .

  15. 方法年龄18~51岁的197例392眼,等效球镜为-075~-1625D,散光度为-025~-400D近视眼,对其屈光度及角膜地形图各参数的关系进行统计学分析。

    Methods In 390 eyes of 197 cases with spherical equivalent refraction between - 0.75 ~ -16.25 D and astigmatic - 0.25 ~ -4.00 D , the relationship between the dioptre and parameters of topography was analyzed .

  16. 用椭圆表示法和邦加(Poincare)球图形表示法对光的任意偏振态进行了描述,并用平面的史密斯圆图来等效邦加球。

    A state-of-polarization of arbitrarily polarized light is described with elliptical representation and planar Smith chart representation which is equivalent to the Poincare sphere .

  17. 将顶靴与管片的接触部位等效为球副连接,将一条油缸支链等效为一条SPS支链,整个推进系统等效为具有多条SPS支链的并联机构。

    The part that the shoe touches the segment is regarded as a spherical pair , and then each cylinder with its two ends is regarded as one SPS leg . So the whole system can be equivalent to a parallel mechanism with many SPS legs .

  18. 首先,将问题等效成球与模型表面三角形的相交问题。

    At first , we make equivalent between collision detection and the intersection of sphere and surface triangles .

  19. 对于杆长限制、动平台干涉、杆与杆干涉以及等效复合球铰摆角限制等约束问题,设计了一种虚拟弹簧算法。

    And aimed at the limit of the leg-length , the interference questions of the movement platform , the angle limit of sphericity gemel , a virtual spring algorithm is designed .

  20. 在轴承外圈等效方法、球轴承刚柔多体接触动力学模型、新型广义-α法、动力学分析和球轴承柔性多体接触振动分析等方面取得了研究成果。

    Some progress and accomplishment have been made on the key issues such as equivalent method of outer ring , the multi-rigid-flexible bodies contact dynamics model of ball bearings , new generalized-a algorithms , dynamics analysis and the multi-flexible bodies contact vibrations analysis of ball bearings .