
  1. 三轴椭球法截线的曲率半径

    Radius of Curvature of Normal Section on Ellipsoid with Three Axis

  2. 得到了三轴椭球面面积的一些新的表示,并推知三轴椭球面的面积关于其三个半轴是对称的;

    Some new formulae about the area of the 3 axes ellipsoid are obtained , by which that the area of the 3 axes ellipsoid is symmetric relation to its three semi axes is implied .

  3. 本文利用三轴应力椭球理论,探讨了台湾海峡及其两侧弧陆碰撞断裂系的形成机制,结果表明:在台湾岛东部地应力椭球,δ1与δ2水平,而δ3垂直;

    Based on the three axis stress ellipsoid theory , this paper studied the formation principleof island arc-continent collision faults in Taiwan Strait and its both sides .