
  1. 目前,三网融合试点工作已在包括上海在内的12个地区开展。

    At present , the tri-networks integration pilot project has been launched in 12 areas including Shanghai .

  2. 第二批三网融合试点城市来敲门开还是不开?

    Headline : Second Batch of Pilot Cities for Convergence of Three Networks Knock the Door ; Open Or Not ?

  3. 另外北京作为三网融合试点城市,随着家庭宽带多媒体平台业务的开展,只有实现光纤接入才能为用户开展多类高带宽业务。

    With the conduct of business of the family of broadband multimedia platform , only to realize optical access for users to carry out high-bandwidth services .

  4. 2010年,我国三网融合试点正式启动。根据国家关于三网融合的整体进程安排,2011年将扩大试点,2012年,三网融合将全面推进。

    2010 , China officially launched the pilot triple play According to the arrangements on the overall process of network convergence , the pilot will be expanded in 2011,2012 , triple play will be fully promoted .

  5. 借助制度演变理论,结合多元动态博弈理论,依照三网融合试点工作的特点,构建多元动态博弈模型研究三网融合制度的演进。

    And system evolution theory , combined with multiple dynamic game theory , according to the characteristics of three net fusions pilot work , build multivariate dynamic game model to study the evolution of three network convergence system .

  6. 随着国家三网融合进行试点实施阶段,广电企业逐渐进入电信业务。

    Along with the " triple play " for the pilot implementation stage , radio and television enterprises gradually enter the telecommunications business .

  7. 随着三网融合的试点工作加速推进,为实现更广阔的应用,不同网络间的融合势在必行。

    With three network convergence pilot work accelerating speed , in order to realize the application , network integration among different networks is imperative .

  8. 目前,国务院提出的三网融合的试点已经从第一批的小范围试点扩大到几乎全国所有省会城市、直辖市。

    At present , the state council put forward " three net fusions " the pilot has expanded from small areas of the first batch of pilot to almost all the provincial capital city , municipality directly under the central government .