
  • 网络pon;fttx
  1. 对PON技术进行介绍,说明选取PON技术进行光进铜退的原因。

    Of PON technologies are introduced to illustrate selected PON technologies for optical back into the copper causes .

  2. 光进铜退是一个循序渐进的过程,存在较大差异的PON接入网络与传统的铜缆接入网络将长期共存。

    However , it is in the developing process which would definitely co-exist with PON network access and traditional copper access for long time .

  3. 光进铜退成为运营商发展宽带接入的市场趋势。

    " Optical progress and copper retreat " has become a development trend of broadband access technology among telecommunication operators in market .

  4. 近年来,随着智能电网、远程医疗和云计算等技术的发展,光进铜退已经成为一个必然趋势。

    With the development of smart grid , remote medical service and cloud computation , copper cables will finally be replaced by optical fibers .

  5. 通过改造能够达到宽带升级提速的建设目的并符合光进铜退的发展策略。

    Through the transformation the " broadband upgrading and accelerating " construction purpose can be achieved in accordance with the " copper retreat into the light " development strategy .

  6. 在实施光进铜退战略时,不可避免的会碰到投资的问题、技术选择的问题、以及运营维护的问题。

    When the implementation light enters the copper draws back , inevitable will bump into the investment the question , the technical choice question , and the operation maintenance question .

  7. 这些理论分析为后面样板区域光进铜退方案的设计奠定基础。其次,对厦门市样板区域网络发展现状进行分析。

    The theoretical analysis for the sample area " light into copper retreat " scheme design lay the foundation . Secondly , the development model of Xiamen regional network analysis .

  8. 根据业务发展和网络转型的需要,具有高带宽、抗干扰强、易拓展、接入距离长等特点光纤接入网络是当前必然的选择,光进铜退则成为固定网络发展的趋势。

    According to the needs of business development and the Network transformation , optical fiber access net which requires High bandwidth , high anti-jamming , easy Expansion , long access distances etc. is the best choice .

  9. 随着信息革命的发生和持续大规模的发展,光纤电缆开始逐渐地被广泛应用于网络中,光进铜退成了各种网络结构的主流。

    As the information revolution occurred and continued development of large-scale , fiber-optic cable began to be widely used in networks . " Light into the copper retreat ," has become the mainstream of various network structures .

  10. 简单地说,光进铜退是指在宽带接入模式上以光纤取代铜缆,好处是加快传输速度和数据流量,同时又降低网络建设成本。

    Say simply , light into copper retreat is to point to in broadband access mode by optical replace copper , benefits is to accelerate the transmission speed and data flow , and reduce the network construction costs .

  11. 主要内容为:1.分析了现在通信接入网络以铜缆网为主的状况,分析了用光缆改造现有铜缆网,进行光进铜退的必要性。

    The main contents are : 1 . Analysis of current communication network to access copper network and the situation analysis transform the existing copper network with fiber optic cable to conduct light into the necessity of copper retreat .

  12. 随着现代板级通信的速率越来越高,基于电互连技术的传输架构,由于其本身存在的缺陷,已经逐渐不能满足需求,于是,光进铜退的呼声也就变得越来越高。

    With the rate of modern board-level communications increasing , because of the inherent defects of the transmission framework based on electrical interconnection technology , has gradually failed to meet the demand and " Light of Copper retreat " also becomes popular .