
  • 网络optical sun
  1. 研究了模拟地球同步轨道辐照环境对卫星用温控涂层-光学太阳反射镜(OSR)性能的影响。

    The influence of simulated space environment on the properties of the satellite temperature-control coating-Optical Solar Reflector ( OSR ) is discussed .

  2. 光学太阳反射器卫星搭载数据的非线性拟合

    Nonlinear fit of satellite flight test data for optical solar reflector

  3. 模拟地球同步轨道辐照环境对光学太阳反射镜性能的影响

    Influence of simulated space environment on performance of optical solar reflector

  4. 氧化铟锡薄膜在光学太阳反射镜上的应用

    Application of Indium Tin Oxide Film to Optical Solar Reflector

  5. 光学太阳反射镜抗静电薄膜的设计原则

    The Design Principles of Antistatic Film for Optical Solar Reflector

  6. 光学太阳反射器的性能评价试验规范

    Test specification for performance evaluation of OSR

  7. 空间光学遥感器太阳光照分析计算方法的研究

    Study of Method for Analyzing and Calculating Solar Illumination on Space Optical Remote Sensor

  8. 兰州1960&2003年大气气溶胶光学厚度和太阳辐射变化特征

    Variation Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Depth and Solar Radiation in Lanzhou during 1960-2003

  9. 空地激光通信星载光学天线在太阳阴影区的镜面热变形有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Mirror Thermal Distortion within the Sun Shadow in Space-to-Ground Laser Communication Links

  10. 基于丰富的产业经验,我们了解全世界的零售链都对光学眼镜和太阳眼镜收取了过高的差价。

    Through our strong industry experience , we have come to realise that the major retail chains all over the world charge excessive prices for prescription eyewear and sunglasses .

  11. 通过以上工作,本文实现了将光学遥感图像太阳耀斑区信息在内波研究中的应用,初步建立了光学遥感在海洋内波研究的应用途径。

    The thesis realizes the application of sun glint information of the optical images in internal waves study , and presents the preliminary use of optical remote sensing in internal waves research .

  12. 文中还介绍了辐照面内辐照度的计算方法,并详细分析了光学积分器对太阳模拟器辐照均匀性的影响。

    The article also introduced the calculation methods about irradiance in irradiation surface , and made a detailed analysis of the effects of the irradiation uniformity of the sun simulator from the optical integrator .

  13. 计算所需要的输入变量有:大气可降水量,二氧化碳含量,臭氧总量,云量,云的光学厚度,太阳天顶角,地表反射率。

    The required input to the parameterization includes precipitable water , concentration of carbon dioxide amount , ozone amount , cloud amount , cloud visible optical depth , solar zenith angle and surface albedo .

  14. 在影响电池组件实际工作性能的四个主要影响因素(电池组件工作温度,太阳能辐照量,组件光学损失,太阳光谱变化)中,温度的影响在大多情况下是最为关键的。

    Among four main influence factors ( operation temperature , low irradiation quantity , component optical losses , and changes of sun spectral ) affecting practical work efficiency of PV components , operation temperature of solar panels always is a key one .

  15. 基于光学三角形法的太阳帆板平面度测量系统

    Planeness measuring system of solar panel substrate by an optical triangulation method

  16. 太阳辐射的变化将导致物体温度的变化,同时大气的光学性质也随太阳位置和太阳辐射的变化而改变。

    The object temperature and atmospheric optical property are depended on sun radiation .

  17. 此外,由于该新光源在光学上有些近似太阳光,因此似乎有利于植物的生长。

    In addition , the new kind of light , which is optically somewhat similar to sunlight , seems to be good for growing plants .