
  • 网络Optical Storage Technology
  1. 多阶光存储技术研究进展

    Report of research on multi level optical storage technology

  2. 2000年高密光存储技术

    High - Density Optical Storage Technology in 2000

  3. 超分辨率近场结构(Super-RENS)光存储技术研究进展

    The research progress of Super-RENS technology

  4. 超分辨近场结构(suPer-RENS)技术是近年来发展起来的一种新型近场光存储技术,是目前最有实用化前景的纳米尺度近场超分辨技术之一。

    As a new optical near-field recording technique developed in recent years , Super-resolution near field structure ( Super-RENS ) has become one of the most promising nanometer scale resolution near-field techniques .

  5. 波导多层光存储技术是光存储领域的前沿课题。

    Development in the readout system of waveguide multilayer optical card ;

  6. 超高密度光存储技术是新近兴起的重要信息存储技术。

    Ultrahigh density optical memory technology is a rising important technology .

  7. 还介绍了实现高密度光存储技术的方法。

    The technology realizing the high density optical storage is also introduced .

  8. 光存储技术设备是现代社会的重要信息载体。

    Compact disc memory device is an important information carrier in modern society .

  9. 高密度近场光存储技术

    High density near - field optical storage technology

  10. 不同机制光存储技术的原理、现状和展望

    Principle , State of the Art and Future Concerning Various Mechanisms of Optical Storage Technology

  11. 光存储技术正在向着大容量、高数据传输率的方向发展。

    Large capacity and high data - transfer rate are the development tendency of optical storage technology .

  12. 短波长与固体浸没透镜高密度光存储技术研究

    Study of the Technologies of High-density Optical Data Storage with Short-wavelength Laser Source and Solid Immersion Lens

  13. 光存储技术的进展

    The Progress of Optical Storage

  14. CD/DVD光盘存储是目前光存储技术最重要和影响最广泛的技术。

    The optical disk storage technology is especially suitable for the storage and exchange of large data stream .

  15. 目前,超分辨近场结构光存储技术的研究还主要局限于超分辨机理研究、掩膜材料以及光盘结构的优化等几个方面。

    So far , the researches are concentrated in mechanism studying , super-resolution mask material and disc structure optimization .

  16. 随着光存储技术的发展,如何提高光盘存储密度备受关注。

    With the development of optical data storage technology , how to improve storage density has been paid much attention to .

  17. 为了准确清楚地阐述这种加密方法,本文分五章来加以分析:1.全息光存储技术。

    In order to accurately , explicitly illustrating this technology , this paper is divided into five chapters : 1.optical holographic storage system .

  18. 蓝光技术能极大地提高了光盘的存储容量,是目前光存储技术中的热门技术之一。

    It is known that Blu-ray technology has greatly enhanced the storage capacity of CD , is one of the hottest technologies in optical storage technology .

  19. 俄罗斯科学家即将完成超级稳定的光存储技术的研发工作,以创造一种在特定条件下能将数据存储100万年的光盘。

    Russian scientists are completing work on super-stable optical memory technology to create a disc capable of storing information for one million years under certain conditions .

  20. 近年来,随着激光和光存储技术的飞速发展,稀土掺杂硫化物光存储材料愈来愈引起人们的重视。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of laser and optical storage technology , alkaline earth sulfide ( AES ) doped with rare earth has aroused peoples ' attention .

  21. 简要介绍了三维光存储技术,并针对我国高清晰度光存储技术的发展进行了分析并提出了几点建议。

    After that , a sketch of3-D optical storage technologies is given . Finally , the analysis and suggestion on the development of high definition optical storage industry in China were given .

  22. 本课题主要围绕高密度光存储技术中的短波长光存储技术和固体浸没透镜超分辨存储技术展开研究,其目的在于掌握这两种高密度光存储系统中的关键技术。

    The high-density optical data storage technologies based on short-wavelength laser source and solid immersion lens are studied with the aim to develop the key technologies of the two optical data storages system .

  23. 目前光存储技术在信息社会中发挥出越来越重要的作用,随着信息技术的发展,急需开发出具有更高存储密度的存储系统。

    The technology of optical data storage is playing a more and more important role in our information society . It is necessary to imploit higher-density optical memory system with the development of data storage technologies .

  24. 存储介质一直是高密度光存储技术中的瓶颈问题,于是寻求新型高性能光记录介质和发展新的高质量记录膜的制备方法,已成为当前的主要任务。

    Storage medium has always been a technology bottlenecks of high-density optical storage , therefore seeking new high-performance optical recording medium and the development of new high-quality recording membrane preparation methods , has become the main task .

  25. 本研究对传统的存储技术和新兴的光存储技术原理进行了述评,对它们的优缺点进行了比较,并从总体发展规律上对其进行分析,在此基础上展望了未来信息存储的发展趋势。

    In this paper , the principles of traditional optical storage technologies and the emerging optical storage technology are summarized , their advantages and disadvantages are compared , the general law of development are analyzed and the future development trend of information storage are discussed .

  26. 光信息存储技术的发展前景

    Developing situation and the future of optical storage technology

  27. 高密度光数据存储技术的发展

    Development of high density optical data storage

  28. 同轴式光全息存储技术及其系统

    Collinear Holographic Information Storage Technologies and System

  29. 同轴式光全息存储技术是新型超大容量超高速存取的光学存储技术。

    Collinear holography is a technology for ultra-high density and ultra-high speed optical storage system .

  30. 光信息存储技术(简称光存储)是70年代发展起来的继磁存储之后的重要信息存储技术。

    The technique of optical data storage is an important data storage that arises from 1970s following magnetic storage .