
  • 网络data pattern;Schema;data schema;Data Mode;data model
  1. 基于XML的产品数据模式、存储及共享模型的研究

    Research on the XML-based Product Data Schema , Storage and Share Model

  2. 开发EXPRESS数据模式的方法

    A methodology for the development of the express data schema

  3. XML技术为企业内外信息交换提供了统一的数据模式。

    XML provides the same data schema to exchange enterprise information inside and outside .

  4. 利用XML实现多元关系数据模式

    Multi-relational data model based on XML

  5. 再次,描述了框架的关键技术,包括WebServices,领域本体的构建,局部数据模式的本体构建、本体映射等。

    Thirdly , describes key technologies of architecture , include web services , domain ontology , local ontology , ontology mapping .

  6. 既然您已经完成了数据模式和业务逻辑定义,那么就需要将项目发布到BusinessEvents运行时。

    Now that you 've completed the data model and business logic definitions , you need to publish the project to the Business Events runtime .

  7. XML的数据模式描述机制和良好的开放性,为分布式制造信息集成提供了技术保障。

    The data model description function and open access character of XML can provide powerful technological support for the manufacturing information integration .

  8. 然后利用CCD和图像采集卡将副像偏移的光学图像转换为计算机能识别的数据模式。

    Then CCD and Data Acquisition System are used to transform the optical images into computer recognizable data patterns .

  9. 呈现mashupUI和数据模式的检索

    Rendering mashup UI and retrieval of data patterns

  10. 同关系数据库类似,如果XML数据模式设计的不好,同样会引起插入、删除和更新等异常。

    Similar to relational database , if XML schema designing is not good , it will cause abnormity for inserting , deleting and updating data too .

  11. 以神经网络Agent为计算工具,借助于Agent的判断推理能力,将各因素处理成神经网络可以识别和接受的数据模式。

    With the aid of the function of agent rule based reasoning , the agents can transform these factors into data modes that artificial neural network ( ANN ) can accept and recognize .

  12. 针对电子密码本模式无法隐蔽明文数据模式因而具有很大的安全隐患这一缺点,引入Gray码对明文进行伪装,构造了一个伪装的电子密码本工作模式。

    In order to improve the security of mode of operation , a masked ECB mode of operation was constructed with the Gray code to mask the plaintext .

  13. dBASE系统的水资源数据模式的设计

    Design of Water Resources Data Schema in dBASE System

  14. 在本文中,我们将探究如何为所有IBMCognosQueryStudio用户全局应用默认的数据模式、默认的过滤器对话框和默认的模板。

    In this article , we will explore how the default data modes , default filter dialogs and default templates can be applied globally for all IBM Cognos Query Studio users .

  15. 为了满足CIM/CIS的要求并兼容原有应用,数据库定义以CIM(公用信息模型)为基础,能转换成层次型和关系型数据模式;

    To meet the requirement of CIM / CIS and embrace the legacy applications , the database is defined based on CIM and can be transformed into hierarchical schema and relational schema .

  16. 根据国内通用MIS系统开发和应用的实际情况,在深入剖析关系数据库结构的基础上,提出一种基于应用层数据模式的关系数据库重构模型,实现了应用程序和底层数据库的逻辑独立。

    According to practical situation of the currency MIS development and application , by anatomizing the structure of relation database , this paper puts forward a reconstruction model based on application layer data mode to realize the logistic independency between application program and database .

  17. 首先用CCD和图像采集卡将副像偏移的光学图像转换为计算机能识别的数据模式,然后利用图像处理程序求出副像偏移的值。

    Firstly , CCD and image collecting board are used to transform the optical images of the excursion of subsidiary image into the datum patterns recognizable by computers . Then , the value of the excursion of subsidiary image can be got by the image processing programme .

  18. XML(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage,可扩展标记语言)是一种元标记(meta-markup)语言,通过XML与关系型数据模式的转化,可以消解数据源数据模式的异构。

    XML ( eXtensible Markup Language ) is a kind of meta-markup language , which provides a format that describe data . Through the transform between XML and relationship data pattern , different data pattern can be unified and the heterogeneity of data source can be cleared up .

  19. 在多库系统中,对全局视图的存取操作要分解为针对多个LDB的子操作,可能还要对数据模式及查询语言进行转换。

    In multidatabase , access to global view will be decomposed to several sub-operations to several LDB , and perhaps also need data schema translation and query processing .

  20. 国土地政全过程管理中的空间数据模式研究

    Spatial Data Pattern in the whole Process of Land Administration

  21. 警用综合地理信息系统数据模式设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Data Models for Police Synthetical Geographic Information System

  22. 基于应用层数据模式的电量计费系统的研究和开发

    The research and development of tele-metering system based on application layer data mode

  23. 全国农业气象资料数据模式的研制

    Development of Digitizing Mode of National Agrometeorological Data

  24. 数据库中弱数据模式的发现

    A method of discovering weak patterns in Databases

  25. 在模式匹配的过程中涉及到数据模式复杂的语义和结构冲突,现在虽然已经做了很多模式匹配方法的研究,但是都没有很好地解决这些冲突。

    It must face complicated semantic and structure conflicts in the process of schema matching .

  26. 关系数据模式分解及应用

    Relational Data Model Dissolution and Application

  27. 现在对异构数据模式转换的研究主要集中在结构和语义约束转换,忽略了源数据模式中蕴含的数据依赖信息。

    Researches about transformation of heterogeneous data schema focus on structure and semantic constraints , which neglects data dependency information .

  28. 实现方法是创建一个压缩的符号字典,取代行级重复数据模式。

    It does this by creating a compression dictionary of symbols which replace repeating data patterns at the row level .

  29. 根据产品数据模式,建立一个实用的阀门图形与数据的计算机管理系统,帮助用户正确使用阀门产品,为计算机辅助设计提供支持。

    It helps the users to use the valve products correctly , and supplies the support of the computer aided design .

  30. 变化监测对于识别数据模式中您用于未来分析和预言的数据变化是有益的。

    Change detection can be useful for identifying changes in data patterns that you can use for future analysis and prediction .