
  • 网络dmu;Digital Prototyping;digital mockup;digital mock-up;digital mock up
  1. 基于产品数字样机开发的装配建模方法的研究和应用

    Study and Application of Assembly Modeling Method Based on DMU Development

  2. 面向复杂产品的数字样机技术的研究及实践

    Research and Practice of the Technologies of DMU for Complex Product

  3. 在利用数字样机技术进行产品开发的过程中,面向装配的CAD建模技术是重要的实现手段。

    In the process of product development making use of digital mock-up , assembly-oriented CAD modeling technology are very important .

  4. 基于CATIA的装备数字样机应用研究

    On applying digital mockup in CATIA based equipment

  5. 说明用CAD进行航空发动机外部三维数字化设计是必要的、可行的,可以在国内较短时间内摆脱外部设计对金属样机的依赖,实现由金属样机到数字样机技术的转变。

    Through this , domestic factories can get rid of dependence on physical prototype machine in external design and realize the transformation from physical mock-up technique to digital mock-up one in a short period .

  6. 数字样机区域检查流程及其在直升机研制中的应用

    Digital Mock-Up Zone Review Process and its Application in Helicopter Development

  7. 基于数字样机技术的柴油机产品研发平台

    Research and Development Platform of Diesel Engine Based on Digital Prototype

  8. 基于数字样机技术的新产品开发

    Development of new product on the basis of digital prototype

  9. 面向数字样机的知识获取技术及知识工程系统的研究

    Research of knowledge acquisition methods and oriented-DMU and KBE system

  10. 定义了飞机设计中数字样机的概念,以及其应用范畴。

    The concept of the digital mockup and its us .

  11. 三维数字样机在雷达结构设计制造中的应用

    Application of Three-dimensional Digital Prototyping to the Design and Manufacturing of Radar Structure

  12. 基于仿真组件的数字样机运动模型构建与重用

    Building and Reuse of Kinematic Model of Digital Mockup Based on Simulation Component

  13. 然后再建立四足机器人的数字样机模型。

    Then numerical prototype of quadruped robot is built .

  14. 虚拟产品开发中的虚拟样机技术和数字样机技术

    Virtual prototyping and digital prototyping in virtual product development

  15. 基于数字样机的铁路客车转向架动态设计与仿真

    Dynamic design and simulation on bogie of railway carriage based on numerical prototype

  16. 数字样机技术在柔性机构可靠性设计分析中的应用

    Application of Virtual Prototype Technology in Reliability Design and Analysis of Flexible Mechanisms

  17. 基于数字样机技术的曲轴多体动力学和有限元分析

    Multi-body Dynamics and Finite Element Analysis of Crankshaft Based on Digital Prototyping Technology

  18. 基于虚拟现实的产品数字样机装配与仿真研究

    Assembly and Simulation of Digital Mockup Based on VR

  19. 面向不精确与非量值信息的定性数字样机

    Inaccurate and Non-quantity Information for Qualitative Digital Prototyping

  20. 数字样机平台在战斗部研究中的应用

    Application of Warhead Design Based Digital Mock-Up System

  21. 数字样机在飞机设计中的应用

    Application of Digital Mockup in Aircraft Design

  22. 进一步完善小型甘蔗收割机虚拟数字样机的建立及研究。

    The establishment and the research of the virtual small sugarcane harvester have been consummated .

  23. 数字样机技术在某型号运载火箭伺服机构设计中的应用

    Applications of Digital Prototype Technique in the Design of Servo Mechanism of some Launch Vehicle

  24. 大装配模型的快速显示技术是数字样机的关键技术之一。

    The rapid display of large assembly is one of the key techniques of Digital Mock-up .

  25. 直升机操纵系统结构协调性仿真试验是直升机数字样机技术的重要组成部分。

    Helicopter control system construction correspondence simulation text is the important part of helicopter digital prototype technology .

  26. 本文介绍了基于数字样机的全新管路系统设计。

    In this paper , a new method of pipe system design based on an aero-engine DMU is introduced .

  27. 最后通过数字样机及结构样机来验证结构是否合理,有无干涉,所有零件的布置是否合理。

    Finally , the rationality of structure and layout , and interference were detected through digital prototype and structure prototype .

  28. 根据产品的定制设计参数,提出基于仿真组件的方法用于快速构建出产品数字样机仿真模型。

    According to the customize design parameters , a simulation component modeling is used to build the virtual prototype of product quickly .

  29. 数字样机技术作为现代化的产品设计方法,已经越来越广泛地在制造业领域得到了应用。

    As important design method of product , the technology of digital mock - up has been widely applied to manufacturing field .

  30. 简要综述了数字样机技术和近年来各种新型摆线传动技术的研究及其应用。

    This paper introduces briefly the concept of digital prototype and summarizes the research done and application of the full complement ball cycloidal reducer .