
  • 网络Data transaction;data trading;data exchange
  1. 对于重要数据交易信息,客户端需要对信息进行数字签名,服务器端对数字签名有效性进行验证。

    For critical transaction information , the client should use digital signature and the server-side must verify the validity of the digital signature .

  2. 在电子数据交易中,借助数字签名与密钥保护技术,发方的否认比较好解决,但实现收方的否认却很难。

    In electronic digital exchanges , it is easy to solve the sender 's repudiation with the help of digital signature and key-protection technology , but it is difficult to solve the receiver 's repudiation .

  3. 本文利用Markov链对高频数据的交易状态进行描述,定义了观测收益并得到了收益序列的一阶负相关性,和其他的研究结果是一致的。

    This text utilize Markov chain to describe the high-frequency trade state of data , define the observed income and obtained the negative first order autocorrelation of the income , it is identical with others results of study .

  4. 这几年以来,IT行业在创建用于记录数据和交易的系统方面已经投入了不计其数的时间和资金。

    For years , the IT industry has spent untold time and money creating systems to record data and transactions .

  5. 利用入户调查的微观数据从交易成本角度分析了山区农村的经济特征。

    Using the micro-data from peasant household survey , this study analyzes the economic character of mountain rural area based on transaction cost perspective .

  6. 组织中绝大部分信息资产保存在数据库中,其实包括商业数据(交易数据、财务信息)、保密信息(私有技术和工程数据、商业或军事机密)等。

    Most of the information is saved in the database including business data ( transaction data and financial information ) and confidential information ( private data , engineering data and business or military secret ) and so on .

  7. 引入交易认证中心CA将交易数据存放在交易认证中心的数据库中,加强了交易数据的管理安全性。

    CA imports and saves the transaction record into its database , enhancing security of transaction record management .

  8. 轻量级客户机最重要的一个功能是能够用存储在业务程序中的数据准备XML交易。

    One of the most important features of a lightweight client is the ability to prepare XML transactions with the data stored by a business application .

  9. 在安全性方面,目前国际上采用公开和秘密密钥加密系统来进行数据加密;交易过程安全方面最重要的是安全电子协议(SET)的实施;

    In respect of security , public and secret key encryption systems are adopted in data encryption , and what is the most important for transaction security is the implementation of secure electronics transaction ( SET ), each of the four electronic payment system has its corresponding security protection measures .

  10. 例如去年,ebs的数据显示,交易量在11月环比上升1%,之后才在12月下降31%。

    Last year , for example , figures from EBS show that volumes rose 1 per cent month-on-month in November , before falling 31 per cent in December .

  11. 在线科技产品采购商Gazelle表示,本月初,二手黑莓手机交易量创历史新高,并引用数据称上周交易量增长了80%。

    Gazelle , an online tech product buyer , said the number of BlackBerry trades is up from its record highs earlier this month , citing an80 percent increase last week .

  12. 1.研究数据是按交易统计的,不是按基金种类。

    The data is based on deals , not on funds .

  13. 影像数据的电子交易。

    Forthly , electronic trading of image data is a plus .

  14. 这些数据用于进行交易和协商薪金合同。

    This data is used to make trades and to negotiate salary contracts .

  15. 形成了信息采集、数据放置、交易分析、用户操作的分层逻辑架构。

    The system formed the layered architecture contains information collection ,、 data placement 、 transaction analysis and user operation .

  16. 一个功能正常的审计委员会本应询问第一季度数据中的交易损失状况。

    A functional audit committee would have asked about the level of trading losses in the first quarter numbers .

  17. 银行、基金管理机构和研究机构都用该套件来分析市场数据和测试交易策略。

    Banks , funds and research institutions have used it to analyze market data , and test trading strategies .

  18. 本文阐述了从网络安全、应用安全、数据安全、交易安全等各个方面进行的方案研究和技术实施。

    In this paper , we discusses the network safety , application safety , data safety , trade safety of the system .

  19. 审计是必要的,如果存在敏感信息的话,比如客户的个人数据和财务交易经过了您的服务。

    Auditing is essential if there is sensitive information , such as customer 's personal data and financial transactions passing through your services .

  20. 随着时间的推移,这种关联性会变弱—有迹象表明股市交易员可能已经将网络搜索数据用于自动交易运算。

    Over time , the correlation weakened - a sign that traders may already be using Internet search data in automated trading algorithms .

  21. 平台设计采用四层分层架构,在不改变原有企业信息系统的条件下,完成接口间订单数据传输及交易。

    Without changing the enterprise information system , we designed a four-layered system structure to complete the order transmission and transactions between different interfaces . 2 .

  22. 汤森路透单独发布的数据也显示交易量出现下降,2月日均外汇交易量同比下降5%。

    Separate figures from Thomson Reuters also showed a dip in volumes , with daily foreign exchange trades in February down 5 per cent on average year on year .

  23. 如今,美国股市的很大一部分交易由复杂的算法执行,这些算法的设计宗旨是以某种特定的方式进行交易,对价格、行业形势、市场波动、经济数据以及跨越交易版图上不同板块的其他参数的变化作出反应。

    Much trading in equities now comprises sophisticated algos that are created to trade in specific ways , reacting to changes in prices , sectors , volatility , economic data and other parameters across the fragmented trading landscape .

  24. 根据波士顿咨询集团的数据,外汇交易量在1977年至2010年间增长了233倍,交易业务(尤其是债券和外汇交易)占最大几家银行2010年营收的80%。

    Foreign exchange trading volumes rose 234-fold between 1977 and 2010 , while trading – particularly in bonds and currencies – made up 80 per cent of the biggest banks ' revenues in 2010 , according to BCG .

  25. 广受关注的处罚遮盖了该行超出分析师预期的盈利。数据显示,交易营收的跌幅小于该行在仅仅两个月前发出的警告,而该行的坏债银行则出现了首个盈利季度。

    The widely trailed penalty obscured earnings that beat analysts ' estimates , as they showed a smaller decline in trading revenues than the bank had warned of just two months ago and the first profitable quarter for its bad bank .

  26. 港交所计划在2012年第四季度开放其数据中心和交易中心,2013年第二季度上线衍生品市场,2013年底前推出清算与结算系统。

    The exchange is planning to open its data centre and the trading hub in the last quarter of 2012 with the derivatives market coming online in the second quarter of 2013 and clearing and settlement systems by the end of 2013 .

  27. 前置服务器端实现通信转发、数据校验、交易存储、终端管理监控的功能,自动售票终端直接与用户交互,收集用户提交的信息,实现车票的购买。

    The auto-ticketing server is used to forward communications , validate data , store transactions and manage terminals . The auto-ticketing terminal interacts with end users , and collects the information submitted by end users . The terminal is also responsible for ticket purchasing .

  28. 对于运行过程与实际交易数据有关的交易,通过提供分支功能,很方便的控制交易在不同数据条件下的处理过程,提供配置交易的灵活性;第二,应用范围广。

    The trade which operation process is relevant with actual transaction data , by providing branch function , could be convenient controlled under the different data conditions in its process . It will make the configuration trade flexible . Second , wide range of application .

  29. 前项事业及其人员于办理境外基金募集及销售业务时,对于境外基金投资人之个人数据、往来交易数据及其它相关数据,除法令另有规定外,应保守秘密。

    Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation , when handling the offering and sale of offshore funds , the enterprises and personnel thereof referred to in the preceding paragraph shall keep confidential all personal information , transaction information , and other relevant information of investors in offshore funds .

  30. 客户关系管理是一个以客户为中心的现代管理理念和IT技术结合的产物,它通过保存和维护客户数据,跟踪交易情况,分析客户行为,挖掘潜在客户和保留有价值客户,增强企业竞争力。

    Customer Relationship Management is such a solution , which combined modern management principle and the advanced IT technique . It maintains the data , follows the transactions and analyzes the customer behaviors , in order to mine the potential or valued customers and enhances the enterprises ' competition capability .