
  • 网络new engine
  1. 15.如果说创新是中国发展的新引擎,那么改革就是必不可少的点火器

    If innovation is the new engine for China 's development , reform is the indispensable igniter .

  2. Tellurium会继续开发这个新引擎直至完备。

    Tellurium will continue to develop the new Engine to its maturity .

  3. 数字经济助力推动复工复产,稳定经济形势,成为亚洲经济未来增长的新引擎。

    The digital economy has helped promote production resumption , stabilized the economic situation , and become a new driving force for Asia 's economic growth in the future .

  4. 基于标准C++的MySQL数据库访问新引擎剖析及应用

    Anatomy and Application of New Database Access Engine for MySQL

  5. 现在随着2.2版发布,Mono终于用上了新引擎。

    Now , that the2.2 version has been released , Mono has the new engine .

  6. 因此他很有把握地肯定所有MySQL产品都将继续处在GPL许可之下,同时也表示他肯定MySQL的新引擎Falcon的开发工作会继续下去。

    As a result , he expressed confidence that all of the MySQL products would remain under the GPL , while also indicating that he expected work on the new Falcon engine for MySQL would continue .

  7. 新引擎是涡轮增压四缸结构,是福特汽车称为“EcoBoost”的缸内直喷内燃机新家族的一员。

    The new engine is a turbocharged four-cylinder , part of a new family of internal-combustion power plants with direct injection that Ford calls EcoBoost .

  8. 在这八年中,中国电影产业借助经济增长和产业改革的加速度迅猛发展,年均增长速度超过GDP增速数倍,成为拉动中国经济增长的新引擎。

    In those eight years , with the acceleration of the economic growth and the industrial reform , Chinese film industry has become a new engine of Chinese economic growth . The average annual growth rate of Chinese film industry has been faster than that of GDP several times .

  9. 然后开发了包含RPG角色物件管理系统和脚本系统的新引擎模块。最后利用高层引擎接口开发RPG游戏场景编辑器。

    Then it exploits a new engine module including a management system of RPG roles and items as well as a script system , in the end using the interfaces of the high level engine to exploit RPG scene editor .

  10. 由于一个新引擎,这部车可以开动了。

    Thanks to a new engine , the car works now .

  11. 会展业,山东经济发展的新引擎

    Convention and Exhibition Industry : A New Engine to Kick-Start Shandong s Economy

  12. 感受着中国新引擎的动力,每天这里都发生着翻天覆地的变化。

    I 'm feeling the new engine of China , every moment here .

  13. 这个新引擎还可以改进搜索结果。

    The final way this new engine can help is with search results .

  14. 最近737飞机又有了新引擎和被称为天空内饰的新内饰。

    And the plane recently got a new engine and a new Sky Interior .

  15. 大力发展创意产业打造青岛经济增长新引擎

    Greatly Developing Creative Industry and Making the New Engine of Economic Growth for Qingdao

  16. 新引擎的油耗比旧引擎少一半。

    The new engine may use half as much oil as the old one .

  17. 新引擎尽管排量变小了,但动力却更强劲。

    Though smaller in terms of total displacement , the new engine is more powerful .

  18. 这种新引擎的工作效能证妹此设计者技艺高超。

    The new engine 's performance is a tribute to the skill of its designer .

  19. 休闲产业:全球金融危机背景下我国经济发展的新引擎

    Leisure Industry : The New Engine for China 's Economic Development Under Global Financial Crisis

  20. 弗兰克-威廉姆斯:新引擎规则规定所有的引擎都是完全一样的。

    FW : The new engine homologation provides for all engines to be exactly the same .

  21. 最近737飞机又有了新引擎和被称为“天空内饰”的新内饰。

    And the plane recently got a new engine and a new " Sky Interior . "

  22. 它是投资增长的新引擎和自由贸易的推动者。

    It is the real driver of investment in the developing world and free trade promoter .

  23. 这位发明家花了几个月的时间在实验室中,详拟他的新引擎计划。

    The inventor elaborated his plan for a new engine , spending several months in his laboratory .

  24. 创新是中国发展的新引擎,而改革是必不可少的点火器。

    Innovation is an engine to China 's development , and reform an ignitor to the engine .

  25. 蒂姆汽车里的新引擎将使他与其他的驾驶者展开激烈的竞争。

    The new engine in Tim 's car will give the other drivers a run for their money .

  26. 随着休闲时代的来临,休闲消费逐渐成为推动经济增长的新引擎。

    With the arrival of a leisure age , leisure consumption is becoming a new engine of economic growth .

  27. 成为推动社会经济发展和科学技术进步的新引擎。

    And it also will be the new engine of the development of social economy and science and technology .

  28. 动漫产业,有望成为城市发展新引擎,芜湖要倾力打造。

    Animation industry , urban development is expected to become the new engine , Wuhu to effort to build .

  29. 文化创意产业无疑将会成为21世纪经济发展的新引擎。

    There is no doubt that creative cultural industries will become a new engine of economic growth in 21st century .

  30. 他还说,普遍性福利的新引擎将把首尔建设成为一个“以人为本”的城市。

    He adds that the " engine of universal welfare " will make Seoul a city where people are the priority .