
  • 网络Grid data
  1. 基于格网数据的开曲线连通区域扩展算法

    An Algorithm of Connecting Open Contours Based on Grid Data

  2. 基于多分辨率格网数据的观察点设置问题研究

    Research of Observer Sitting Based on Multi-resolution Grid Data

  3. 顾及非格网数据考虑地形改正的GPS水准高程拟会

    Height Determination with GPS Leveling Data Considering Non-grid Data and Effect of Terrain

  4. 在人口密度模拟的基础上,用GIS对上海人口格网数据进行简要的空间分析。

    Then the temporal and spatial characteristics of the population density change were analyzed based on GIS .

  5. 基于准均匀B样条构造曲线曲面的方法,在MATLAB的编程环境下对一组规则格网数据进行了三维地形表面建模,并实现其可视化。

    Quasi-uniform B-spline is one kind of the free-curve construction methods . 7 . Using the MATLAB software to carry out the quasi-uniform B-spline , realize the three-dimensional terrain surface modeling and visualization .

  6. 然后基于分而治之的思想提出了一种格网数据筛选法,用来提高凸壳建TIN的效率;

    Secondly , according to the thought of the " divide-conquer ", a way to filter data in order to increase the efficiency in establishing TIN is put forward .

  7. 基于规则格网数据的区域边界矢量化算法

    A Boundary Vectorization Algorithm Based on Normal Grid Data

  8. 论述了一种基于大规模格网数据或离散高程点动态构建多分辨率地形模型的算法。

    This paper presents a dynamic construction algorithm for the multi-resolution terrain model based on the large scale GRID data or discrete elevation data .

  9. 基于规则格网数据结构,通过平面拟合计算偏差极小值的方法选取建筑物种子点,以种子点为基础进行区域生长,通过面积阈值判断筛选地物点集,分割出建筑物脚点区块。

    Based on regular grid data structure , seed point is selected buy calculating the minimum deviation through plane-fitting . And then carry out the region-growing operation . At last , building measurements are detected . 4 .

  10. 通过对不同格网数据的特点采用不同的重采样方式,提高了重采样效率的同时,避免了在数据空白区域人为的生成虚假数据,并且为后续的滤波算法提供数据组织方式。

    Different resampling methods for each grid are used according to the characteristics of grid data . So it improves resampling efficiency , avoids to manually creating false data in data blank area , and provides data structure method for back filtering algorithm . 3 .

  11. 本文描述由实测地形数据重建地形模型的方法.分析由随机点分布的数据拟合规则格网数据的局部曲面拟合算法,在保证整个曲面连续光滑的情况下使误差达到最小。

    This paper describes the method of rebuilding the terrain model by terrain data measured , and ana-lyses the local curved surface interpolation algorithm to interpolate the regular network data , randomly distrib-uted . Error is minimized on condition that the surface is continuous and smooth .

  12. 黑河流域人口空间分布的比较结果表明中国1km格网人口数据是几种数据中与实践情况最相符合的。

    The comparing results show Chinese 1 kilometer population data has the best estimation accuracy for the Heihe River Basin population spatial distribution .

  13. 为了实现对DEM数据高效、高精度的压缩,笔者提出利用具有线性相位的双正交小波变换以及混合熵编码方法(Huffman编码加游程编码)对山区格网DEM数据进行压缩。

    In order to implement higher efficient compression , the authors put forward biorthogonal wavelet ( with linear phase ) transformation and mixed entropy coding method ( Huffman coding and Run-length coding ) for compressing the grid DEM data of mountain area .

  14. 采用虚拟格网的数据组织方式,避免对原始数据进行内插格网损失精度。

    The data using a virtual grid organization , to avoid interpolating the original data grid loss of accuracy .

  15. 在归纳草地资源各种变化情况的基础上,构建无任何分类面积信息损失的ARC/INFO-Grid格网化数据集,从而讨论了草地资源动态变化的空间格局特征。

    Next , the ARC / INFO-Grid format data set of grassland change was built on the basis of the integrated grassland change information .

  16. 随着格网化数据应用领域的不断拓展,以不同级别格网为基本统计单元的人口数据生产将是人口数据获取的一个重要发展趋势。

    In addition , with expand of application fields of the grid data , population data product on the basis of different level grid is the trend of population data acquirement .

  17. 基于1km格网的空间数据尺度效应研究

    Research on Scaling Effect Based on 1 km Grid Cell Data

  18. 规则格网DEM具有数据结构存储简单、与遥感影像数据的复合性和良好的表面分析功能等优点。

    Regular Grid DEM has many advantages , such as the storage data structure is simple , the remote sensing image data is compound and the surface analysis is good .

  19. 基于球面剖分格网的矢量数据组织模型研究

    Study on the Organization Model for Vector Data Based on Global Subdivision Grid

  20. 数据格网关注于数据密集型的格网应用,致力于数据的集成和有效访问。

    Mapping transform of query plan model in grid database based on Petri net ;

  21. 格网计算为数据密集型空间分析提供了资源支持。

    Grid computing technology provides the powerful computing resource support for the data-intensive spatial analysis .

  22. 基于格网划分的大数据集DEM三维可视化

    D Visualization of Large DEM Data Set Based on Grid Division

  23. 并基于等高线矢量数据建立不规则三角网,再内插格网生成DEM点阵数据。

    A triangulated irregular network ( TIN ) is constructed based on vector data , and DEM point-array data is computed by interpolating grid on TIN .

  24. 在目前地形数据简化算法的基础上,结合计算机硬件技术的发展,采用基于数据分块、部分数据常驻内存以及与视点相关的静态LOD模型实现了对任意格网大小海量地形数据的快速漫游。

    Based on current LOD algorithms and GPU technology of the computer , a fast walkthrough method with data block partition , out of core and static LODs is implemented .

  25. 采用基于约束的不规则三角网建立地貌模型,研究了由格网DEM、等高线数据及数字影像建立三维地貌模型的方法,以及水系、道路及居民地模型的建立与绘制。

    Based on constrained irregular triangle net , the author depicts the ways to erect and plot three-dimensional model battlefield terrains with the help of Grid Net DEM , contour lines and digital graphics , and ways to erect models of river systems , roads and buildings .

  26. 提出了基于虚拟格网体元的数据组织方式。

    LIDAR data structure method based on virtual grid volumetric pixel is preposed .

  27. 基于格网的海洋时空数据组织策略研究

    Research on Raster-based Marine Spatio-temporal Data Organization Strategy

  28. 在虚拟格网体元的数据组织基础上,改进了多尺度数学形态学滤波方法的自适应性。

    On the base of virtual grid volumetric pixel for data structure method , an improved multi-scale mathematic morphological filtering method is put forward for adaptive of the method .

  29. 本文把规则格网的原理用于数据点非规则分布的数字地形模型(下称数模),从而提出了一种规则格网覆盖的非规则布点数模。

    Applying the principle of regular grid to irregular grid digital terrain model ( DTM ), a new kind of DTM , i. e. , irregular grid DTM neted by regular net , is presented .