
  • 网络Graff;steffi graf;grave;graf
  1. 今年,她才18岁,是继马蒂娜·辛吉斯、莫尼卡·塞莱斯、特蕾西·奥斯汀和施特菲·格拉芙后第五位最年轻的获此殊荣的选手。

    At18 , she 's also the fifth youngest to hold the top spot , following Martina Hingis , Monica Seles , Tracy Austin and Steffi Graf .

  2. 他的兴奋其中当然也包括了他终于有了更多的时间陪妻子格拉芙,以及他的两个孩子。

    Part of that excitement surely comes from knowing he will now have more time to devote to his wife , Steffi Graf , and their two children .

  3. 在美国网球公开赛决赛中,格拉芙始终保持优势。

    In the United States Open final , Graf retained overall supremacy .

  4. 格拉芙轻松取胜,看上去状态极佳。

    Graf looked in awesome form as she cruised to an easy victory .

  5. 格拉芙第一盘以5比1领先。

    Graf was leading 5-1 in the first set .

  6. 德国曾经同时拥有格拉芙和鲍里斯·贝克尔(BorisBecker),在球场和市场上叱咤风云。可是不一会儿功夫,德国网球就几乎从人们眼前消失了。

    Germany once ruled the tennis world and marketplace with Graf and Boris Becker only to see the sport all but disappear from the radar in a hurry .

  7. 我住在格拉芙顿街一套有家具陈设的住房里。

    I live in a furnished flat in Grafton Street .

  8. 格拉芙对体育天生的热爱使她显得与其他网球运动员不同。

    Graf 's natural athleticism set her apart from other tennis players .

  9. 买家劳伦斯·格拉芙将其重新命名为“格拉芙粉钻”。

    Laurence Graff renamed it " The Graff Pink . "

  10. 格拉芙一个正手击球,把球击落在界内而取得了比赛的胜利。

    Graf drove a forehand shot down the line to win the match .

  11. 我要买尼克斯队,和施特菲•格拉芙,哈哈!

    And I 'm buying the Knicks ! And Steffi Graff , ah ah !

  12. 格拉芙身手不凡,登上了本年度女子网球赛冠军的宝座。

    Graf took the better part of the year to climb to No.1 in women 's tennis .

  13. 在1994年的基石的“格拉芙古尔博物馆”老雅法,以色列成立。

    In1994 the corner stone to the " Ilana Goor Museum " in Old Jaffa , Israel was set .

  14. 曾获得107个职业单打冠军的格拉芙,说当母亲和做慈善事业一起干时,使得很难进行所谓严格的训练体系。

    Graf , who won107 career singles titles , said juggling the demands of motherhood and her charity work made it difficult to establish a strict training regimen .