
  • 网络Wimbledon Centre Court
  1. 多年来,温布尔登中央球场吸引了松鼠、子和老鼠等一群群动物的光临,这些“不速之客”们不受欢迎的入侵曾使很多紧张的比赛被迫中断。

    Squirrels , pigeons and mice & wimbledon 's Centre Court has attracted a menagerie of animals over the years who brought many a tense match to a halt with their unwelcome intrusions .

  2. 观看伦敦奥运,不用介意伦敦潮湿且阴雨连绵的盛夏(温布尔登中央球场为此还安装了屋顶),也不用惦记机场式安检时的严厉警示或交通拥堵。

    Never mind the fact that British summers can be damp and drizzly -- center court at Wimbledon has a roof for a good reason -- and forget dire warnings of airport-style security and transport congestion .