
  1. 真爱是用温柔的双手

    And true love holds with gentle hands

  2. 她知道当她看到那双亲切、温柔的双手在棺木中交叉紧握,以及那张曾经无时无刻不流露出对她的爱慕,如今却苍白、僵硬、面无血色的面孔时,她会再次哭泣。

    She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind , tender hands folded in death ; the face that had never looked without love upon her , fixed and grey and dead .

  3. 她知道,当她见到丈夫那双温柔亲切的双手变得僵硬,那张从不会对她吝啬爱意的脸变得毫无表情、白如纸的时候,她肯定还会哭的。

    She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind , tender hands folded in death ; the face that had never looked save with love upon her , fixed and gray and dead .