
  • 网络perfect sense
  1. 他对语言有着诗人般的敏感,对戏剧节律有一种近乎完美的感觉,并能提炼出日常生活中的紧张冲突。

    He had a poet 's ear for language , an almost flawless sense of dramatic rhythm and the ability to distil the conflicts of daily life .

  2. 对称的结构给人安全、均衡、稳定、庄重和完美的感觉,打破对称的建筑形态不仅给结构设计增加了难度,而且使施工变得复杂,从而导致经济造价的提高。

    Symmetrical structure bring to the people safe , balanced , stable , grave and the perfect feeling , break the symmetrical construction shape not only to increase the difficulty for the structural design , but also cause the construction to change complex , thus caused the uneconomical .

  3. 没事看看你你只是一个影子我真实生活的一个影子我只能把你想象到这个程度但是对不起你还不够完美这感觉真实吗?

    Yeah . Look at you . You 're just a shade . You 're just a shade of my real wife . And you were the best that I could do , but , I 'm sorry , you 're just not good enough . Does this feel real ?

  4. 你知道那种突然发现一条完美礼服的感觉吗

    You know that feeling when the perfect dress

  5. 你是如何创造卓越的感觉,唤起一个完美世界的感觉?

    How do you create the sense of transcendence , the sense of evoking a perfect world ?

  6. 那一刻太完美了。我感觉自己仿佛置身天堂。

    It was perfect . I felt like I was in heaven .

  7. 玛丽苏是一个通用的名字,指的是一个故事中某个受欢迎和完美到让人感觉荒谬的角色。

    Mary Sue is a generic name for a character in a story that is absurdly popular and perfect .

  8. 室内色彩设计工作的目标是:创造一种多层次的视觉效果,从而赋予一间屋子一种和谐、完美和个性的感觉。

    The objective of any interior design coloring project is to create a layered look that gives a sense of harmony , completeness and personality to a room .