
  • No problem at all;that's absolutely fine.;Fine Totally Fine;I wouldn't mind at all.
  1. 换句话说,使用形容词完全没问题,而且实际上,当我们说“I'mwell”的时候,是把“well”当形容词使用的。你还是认为我刚刚的说法不正确吗?

    In other words , using an adjective is perfectly acceptable , and " well " is -- in fact -- used in adjective form when we say " I 'm well . " Also not worth hearing ?

  2. 我想什么就说什么,完全没问题!

    I have no problem saying what 's on my mind !

  3. 我来照顾你们,完全没问题!

    Me taking care of you is no problem , huh ?

  4. 托尼·斯塔克:完全没问题!

    Tony Stark : Yes it 's very cool .

  5. 不和她说话我完全没问题了。

    I am totally fine not talking to her .

  6. 因为夏洛克·福尔摩斯认为这完全没问题

    cos Sherlock Holmes thinks it 's a perfectly OK thing to do !

  7. 平分帐单完全没问题

    I am totally down with splitting the bill .

  8. 他的身体好多了,餐前喝一两杯啤酒完全没问题。

    His health had improved enough to permit him a beer or two before dinner .

  9. 完全没问题。

    No problem at all .

  10. 如果是在家里用普通的烤箱做,那完全没问题。

    If you 're gonna do this in a normal oven at home that 's completely fine .

  11. 我从亨利的厨房里拿了点糖,但它完全没问题,

    I took it from Henry 's kitchen , his sugar . It 's perfectly all right .

  12. 医生们说他的大脑完全没问题,也可以完全正常伸展他的双腿。

    they said that his brain was completely clear and that he was by then extending his legs correctly .

  13. 好我会问的完全没问题

    Yeah . Definitely , yeah . Yeah ? Okay , I 'll certainly ask . No problem at all .

  14. 你的文章概念很可能完全没问题搞不好还相当出色甚至你的内容就像玻璃般表达的一清二楚。

    It well may be that your ideas are perfectly sound perhaps even sagacious and your writing as clear as glass .

  15. 不像本名单上的其他药物,沙利度胺的临床试验非常诡异,因为结果完全没问题,十分安全。

    Unlike the other trials on the list , the eerie part of the thalidomide clinical trial was that everything went horribly right .

  16. 有时候你上门去,发现那人完全没问题,悠闲自得地待在家里,这经常让人恼怒,他说。

    It is often exasperating when you go and find that the person is absolutely fine and just chilling at home , he said .

  17. 女人去买男人的内衣完全没问题,我不用去女士内衣店吧?

    Russell : It 's perfectly acceptable for women to buy men 's underwear , but do I have to go into the lingerie store ?

  18. 扁平的组织使管理阶层减少,组织变得更小,假如每一个人都是独立思考型的人,就完全没问题。

    A flat organisation reduces the layers of management . This is absolutely fine if every worker is capable of thinking and working on his own .

  19. 能解释一下你的话么?因为根据测试的结果,战马刀在切碎欧洲最好板甲方面完全没问题。

    Care to explain ? Because testing have been done and Zhang Ma Dao has no problem cutting right through the best plate armours of Europe .

  20. 这个例子说明,奥利金认为同一篇经文,有至少两种解读是完全没问题的。

    That 's one example , though , about how Origen thinks it 's perfectly fine to get at least two readings out of this same text .

  21. 无论怎样,我想这些对我来说完全没问题,因为妈妈已经教会了我怎样独立和如何好好照顾好自己。

    Anyway , I think it is absolutely ok for me because she has really taught me well on how to be independent and how to take super good care of myself .

  22. 我的确到葡萄牙看了他,当时的确是在和睦的气氛下,完全没任何问题。

    I did go and see him last week in Portugal and it was very amicable – there were no problems .

  23. 不过这部纪录片完全没提这些政治问题。福特说这么做是故意的,是为了避免中国观众完全无法看到该片。

    Such political concerns , however are absent from the movie - purposefully , Ms. Ford said , for fear of completely alienating Chinese viewers .