
  • 【电影】The Perfect You
  1. 就存储在一个完美的你触手可及的记忆库

    available in a perfect memory store at your fingertips ,

  2. 但是完美的你是存在的。

    But the perfect you is .

  3. 接受自己本来的模样&完美的你和不那么完美的你可以达到完美和谐的共存。

    Accept yourself the way you are – the perfect you and the not-so-perfect you can co-exist in perfect harmony .

  4. 没有人是完美的,你还差得很远。

    Nobody is perfect but you 're not even close .

  5. 因此,你我不是身材最完美的,你我不是最富有的,不是最有头脑的,也不是最诙谐的。

    So you and I are not perfect in form of physical figure .

  6. 你是完美的:你的错误是教训,你的失望是试炼。

    You are perfect : Your mistakes are lessons ; your disappointments are tests .

  7. 任何人都不是完美的,你的新伴侣也是如此。

    No one 's perfect , and you know this about your new love .

  8. 但是你也不是完美的,你也犯过一些错。

    But you 're not perfect ! You 've made some errors in judgment too !

  9. 因为别人从未告诉你你是完美的,你觉得自己毫不完美。

    You feel less than perfect because you have been told by others that you are not .

  10. 这是完美的如果你不是附近的您的电脑,但需要更新您的日历。

    This is perfect if you are not near your computer , but need to update your calendar .

  11. 这是完美的,你现在在这里,这是最好的时间在太空中你。

    It is perfect that you are here now and this is the best time in space for you .

  12. 错误校正后,你的工作将是完美的,你将避免失败的任何一种。

    After the mistake correction your work will be perfect , and you will avoid failure of any kind .

  13. 如果鉴赏力仅是个人喜好,那每个人都是完美的:你无论喜欢什么都行,不必多说了。

    If taste is just personal preference , then everyone 's is already perfect : you like whatever you like , and that 's it .

  14. 上帝的计划是完美的,你可以在二元的经验,同时也限制了它能够完全克服你的同时。

    The Divine Plan is perfect and allows for your experience in duality , whilst at the same time limiting its ability to totally overcome you .

  15. 当你爱上一个人,你会觉得这个人是非常理想和完美的,你下定决心,把自己的满腔热情奉献给你爱的人。

    When you love someone , you value that person highly-so highly that you have made a choice to offer your resources to nurture the one you love .

  16. 所有这些都是因为你,完美无瑕的你。

    All because of you , yeah , wonderful , amazing you .

  17. 这个高品质丝巾作最完美的,除了你的例行鸽!

    This high quality silk scarf makes the perfect addition to your dove routine !

  18. 但我相信你是神完美的儿子。你从天上到世上来。

    But I believe You came down from Heaven as God 's perfect Son .

  19. 另外,融资是完美的,在你家兑付的股权。

    Additionally , refinancing is perfect for cashing in on your home 's equity .

  20. 你觉得自己能修复一切并不完美的东西,你完全生活在错觉下。

    House : You live under the delusion that you can fix everything that isn 't perfect .

  21. 不,不,100分是好的意思,100分是完美的意思,你没得过100分吗?

    NO NO. 100 is good . 100 is perfect . Didn 't you ever get 100 ?

  22. 世界上唯一完美的事情就是你拥有完美的做事情的自由。

    The only thing that 's perfect in this world is that you 're perfectly free to take action .

  23. 正如你所看到的,这套完美的……你能把它关掉吗?!

    As you can see , the set comprises of a beautiful ... ' Can you turn this off ? !

  24. 如果你能接受自己是不完美的,希望你也能以同理心,对人宽容、仁慈。

    If you can appreciate your own imperfections , then hopefully you can be more charitable with other peoples ' .

  25. 列出一系列在完美的条件下你希望得到的东西的清单。

    Create a wish list of all the things you 'd like to receive if you lived in a perfect world .

  26. 然而,任何人都不是完美的。如果你忘记了对方的名字,不要担心。

    However , no-one is perfect , and if you find yourself unable to remember a name , don 't fret .

  27. 很抱歉我没那么体面配不上你完美的晚宴和你完美的朋友

    Well , I 'm sorry I 'm not decent enough ... for your fine dinner parties and your fine friends .

  28. 如果是这种情况,可能不存在完美的决定,你应该挑选最可容忍的决定。

    In that case a perfect decision is probably out of the question , and instead you should aim for the most tolerable .

  29. 新月会和海王星形成一个完美的角度,你会发现很多方法来展示你的创造力。

    This new moon will be in the perfect angle to Neptune , so you will find many ways to express your creativity .

  30. 我希望通过这7个步骤,你也能看到你每天变得更完美的好处在你人生中。

    I hope through these 7 steps , you too can see the benefits of becoming a better you every day of your life .