
  1. end:结束,了解我要去和Blair做个了断就现在hell:地狱Blair你到底想干嘛?

    I 'm gonna go end this with Blair now . Blair , what the hell was that ? -

  2. 就现在而言,您应坚持使用DOM,在接收服务器响应的过程中熟悉DOM。

    For now , stick with the DOM , and get familiar with it in the context of receiving a server 's response .

  3. 就现在来讲,ChromeOS只不过是让人瞥了一眼计算机令人激动的未来前景,但是对大多数用户来讲并不切合实际。

    For now , Chrome OS is an exciting glimpse at the future of computing , but not a practical device for the majority of users .

  4. 苹果表示明年将会推出自己的充电垫,就现在来说,你可以使用其他支持Qi无线标准的众多第三方充电垫。

    Apple said it would release its own charging mat next year ; for now , you can use one of the many third-party mats that run the Qi wireless standard .

  5. 就现在来说,对FUD的谈论也许已经足够了。

    And that 's probably enough talk about FUD , for now anyway .

  6. 就现在,还有一个事实,曾经跟你们讲过,Shelly,once,lectured,to,you,自我同一性的本质,这个事实什么时候是真的?

    Well , right now Here 's another fact Shelly about the nature of personal identity ? When was that fact true ?

  7. 你打算把它带到medicon公司,就现在,对吗?

    You 're going to take it to Medicon lndustries , now , right ?

  8. 就现在所知而言,大多数植物抗病基因为组成型表达;尽管也有诱导表达的,如Xal,但是目前知道的诱导表达的基因仅这一个。

    So far as I know , the majority of plant disease resistance genes are constitutive expression ; even though also reported for induced gene , such as xal , which has been the only induced gene reported in the paper .

  9. 就现在好了。

    B : Now is as good a time as any .

  10. -我得出去,就现在-为什么?

    I have to go out . Right now . Why ?

  11. 我要马上学习中国功夫,就现在。

    Neo : Cipher , I need to learn Kongfu Now .

  12. 与我一起远航吧,亲爱的,就现在,现在,现在。

    Sail away with me honey now , now , now .

  13. 就现在情况来看,欧元并不是一种完整的货币。

    As things stand now , the Euro is an incomplete currency .

  14. 如果你不想要孩子就现在告诉我。

    If you aren 't up for this , tell me now .

  15. 就现在,你们俩,立刻坐下。

    Right now , the both of you . let 's go .

  16. 你可以改变情况的,就现在,在这儿!

    You could change things , right here and now !

  17. 就现在,我要和你谈谈。

    Right now . I need to talk to you .

  18. 这需要改善,就现在来说太不完善了。

    It needs improving ; it 's too imperfect as it is .

  19. 就现在而言,我想接受治疗对他来说是最好的。

    I think this is the best we can hope for now .

  20. 对于某些地方,我上锁上得有点过头了,不过就现在的情况来说没什么问题。

    I 'm probably overlocking some things , but thats ok for now .

  21. 得给你们点颜色瞧瞧了,妈的,就现在!

    Got to make it home to my babies . damn , now .

  22. 你马上给我上楼去,就现在。

    You just climb those stair-type things right now .

  23. 就现在来看,美国政府所能支配的现金还不及苹果公司多。

    Apple now has more cash to spend than the United States government .

  24. 就现在的计划而言,我们不打算移居。

    We have no intention to emigrate so far as present plans are concerned .

  25. 我要见我儿子,就现在!

    I want to see my son now !

  26. 就现在这个节气来说天气是相当温和了。

    Fairly mild for this time of year .

  27. 但是,这些计算机仍落后数年,就现在而言,中国是这一领域的王者。

    But those computers remain years away , and for now , China is king .

  28. 就现在而言,我们将去掉这个特性,将其作为“有则更好”,而非必要的特性。

    For now , we 'll tuck this feature away as nice-to-have but not essential .

  29. 而就现在来说,不愿负债的千禧一代已经变成了几乎什么都靠租的一代人。

    For now , the no-debt Millenials have spawned a generation that rents most everything .

  30. 马上,就现在。

    Immediately later -- soon to now .