
  1. 你锁了,人家就懂了

    You lock and he will get it .

  2. 我来给你解释一下Hawthorne效应是如何得名的以及……听完以后你就懂了。

    Let me explain how the Hawthorne effect got its name and ... well ... you 'll get the idea .

  3. 不出意料,最常见的密码就是最糟糕最容易被猜出来的,包括password、123456、qwerty(看看键盘你就懂了)。

    Not surprisingly , the most common passwords are also the worst , including " password ,"" 123456 " and " qwerty "( look at your keyboard , you 'll get it ) .

  4. 我发现老师的一席话让我很容易就懂了。

    I found the teacher 's words made me understood easily .

  5. 如果现在你不懂,等你下了地狱就懂了。

    If you do not know , you will learn in Hell .

  6. 不过,下次你就懂了,对吗?

    Still , you 'll know next time , won 't you ?

  7. 你看我做一遍就懂了

    You 'll see . you , you watch what I can do .

  8. 我可一下子就懂了。

    I caught on right now .

  9. 或许你当时不懂,但当能陪你到永远的那个人来到你身边时,你就懂了。

    While you may not have known it at the time , when a Forever comes along , youll understand .

  10. 老师不会教你如何思考,只是说:这都是事实,记住了你就懂了。

    Teachers do not teach you how to think , just say : It is true , remember you had to understand .

  11. 我们查了百科全书,问家长一两个问题,然后,我们就懂了代数中未知变量的概念。

    We opened an encyclopedia , asked our parents a question or two and , voila , we understand the concept of the unknown variable .

  12. :我不懂beyond超出,无法他怎么会娶了她,这我就不懂了。

    beyond me It 's beyond me why he married her .

  13. L:这我就不懂了。是的,这是你的车,我只有一张学开车的许可证。

    M : Because this is my car , and you only have a learner 's permit .

  14. 这你就不懂了吧,这是传统的靶子。

    You don 't understand this is a traditional target .

  15. 是的跳到船上去就行懂了吗?

    Yeah . Just jump in the boat . You got them ?

  16. 要是这孩子年龄再大一些,他就可能懂了。

    If the boy were older , he might understand .

  17. 至于为什么会产生,我就不懂了。

    Though why , was beyond my comprehension .

  18. 要是她年龄大些的话,她就可能懂了。

    If she were older she might understand .

  19. 对啊,我就不懂了,要是我能做自己的助手就好了

    Yeah , I don 't get it . If only I could be my own assistant .

  20. 当然我也会一点的计算机,不至于见到计算机就不懂了,现在是综合发展吗?

    Of course , I will also point to the computer , not the computer to see just do not understand now , the comprehensive development ?

  21. 他谈到他的专业时,我就听不懂了。

    He could not get through to me while he was talking about his special field .

  22. 如果没听懂就别说你懂了。

    Do not say you have understood if you have not .

  23. 你说快了我就听不懂了。

    If you speak quickly , I don 't understand .

  24. 我就搞不懂了你怎么会是我亲戚呢?

    I don 't get it . How can you be related to me ?

  25. 你一下马车,我就很懂你了。

    I knew a IOT about you the minute you got off that stagecoach .

  26. 现在要搞现代化建设,就更加不懂了。

    Now that our task is to achieve modernization , our lack of the necessary knowledge is even more obvious .

  27. 起初我挺有兴趣地听着演讲者的演讲,但过半个小时我就听不懂了。

    I was interested to hear the speaker at first , but he went past me after the first half - hour .

  28. 如果你只是注重一种口音,当你遇到不同口音的时候可能根本就听不懂了。

    If you always concentrate on one accent , maybe later on when you meet with these people , maybe you cannot understand .

  29. 我就搞不懂原因了,因为这家伙看起来对时局一点也不担心啊。

    Can 't imagine why since he doesn 't seem to be one bit worried about all that 's going on .

  30. 如果你认为,对你来说,自己做得对更重要,那你就太不懂妥协了,根本不能当老板。

    If you decide that being right is what matters to you , you are too intransigent to be a boss at all .