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jiù wèi
  • In place;in position;take one's place
就位 [jiù wèi]
  • [take one's place] 走到自己的位置上(指人);移到指定的位置(指物)

就位[jiù wèi]
  1. 他到门边就位。

    He took up his position by the door .

  2. 她迅速在桌子后面就位。

    She quickly positioned herself behind the desk .

  3. 大家都就位了吗?

    Is everybody in position ?

  4. 联合国维和部队估计会在边界线上就位。

    UN peacekeeping forces are expected to take up positions along the border .

  5. 忠实的志愿者们今天上午已就位,随时准备开始工作。

    The stalwart volunteers marched in this morning ready to go to work .

  6. 我们的骨干团队已经就位了。

    We already have our core team in place

  7. 类似的法规在威尔士已经就位。

    Similar legislation is already in place in Wales

  8. 再推一下,石头就会就位了。

    One more heave and the stone will be in place .

  9. 让抓捕小队B到南入口处就位

    Have grab team " B " take position at the south entrance .

  10. A队和B队已就位

    Alpha and Bravo teams in position .

  11. 修正的断裂镜面法及其在Cf/SiC复合材料中的应用&碳纤维的就位强度

    Up-dated Fracture Mirror Method and its Application in Cf / SiC Composites-In-situ Strength of Carbon Fibers

  12. 海流规律与GPS定位技术在海底管道浮拖就位中的应用

    Applications of Ocean Current Law and GPS Location Technology on Dragging of Submarine Pipeline

  13. 当这个替代的电子就位,它会放射出位于另一种特定能量的X射线。

    As this replacement electron falls into place , it emits an X-ray at a second specific energy .

  14. 当诸事就位,而且显示出来之后,gtkmain()函数就激活主循环。

    When everything is set up and visible , the gtk_main () function activates the main loop .

  15. 很多人会在什么都还没有就位的时候就对老板或顾客说yes。

    Many people say yes to a boss or customer request when the pieces of the puzzle aren 't in place .

  16. 由于Create已经被建造好,而且驱动机制也已经就位,所以我想这将是学习机器人技术的一条最简单的路径。

    Since the Create was already built , with the drive system in place , I thought it would be the easiest way to start learning about robotics .

  17. 尽管Productline现在已经替换为Producttype查询项目,但摘要过滤器仍然就位,并以一个现在没有投射的数据项目“Productline”为范围。

    Although the Product line has been replaced with the Product type query item , the summary filter is still in place and scoped on a now non-projected data item " Product line " .

  18. 现在域类和控制器类都已经就位,请启动Grails。

    Now that your domain classes and controllers are in place , start Grails .

  19. 等容条件下H2O-CO2-CH4混合流体的高温拉曼光谱就位分析

    An in-Situ Raman Spectroscopy Study of Isochoric H_2O-CO_2-CH_4 Fluids under High Temperature

  20. Java类文件一旦就位,您就可以通过向您所定义的“main”java方法输入下列用户示例查询来测试新的解析器了。

    Once you have Java class files in place , you may test your new parser by entering the following sample user query into the " main " java method you have defined .

  21. 当CMS就位时,向站点添加内容和特性变得相对简单。

    When a CMS is in place , it is relatively easy to add content and features to a site .

  22. 一旦Bootstrapping引导机制就位,使用Java本地接口的反射机制,就像API调用允许类库加载,对象创建和方法调用的过程一样。

    Once bootstrapped into place , however , the JNI Reflection-like Invocation API allows for classes to be loaded , objects created and methods invoked .

  23. 对HV链铰链摆销接触点的运动进行了定量分析,并探讨了非就位啮合机理。

    The motion of meshing point of swing pin of HV chain is analysed quantitatively , and the mechanism before taking its place is researched .

  24. Railsfixture装载机制已经就位了,所以不需要添加额外的代码来装载测试数据。

    The Rails fixture loading mechanism is already in place so you do not have to add additional code to tell Rails to load the test data .

  25. 菱铁矿的形成与H2障有关;铅、锌等硫化物的就位主要与H2S障或H2障的配合作用有关。

    The formation of siderite is related to the H_2 barrier , while the emplacement of lead and zinc sulfides bears a relation mainly to H.S barrier or the combined action of H_2S and H_2 barriers .

  26. 这个冲刺之后,Drools的基础设施就位了,团队了解了它的语法和其他技术。

    After this sprint , Drools infrastructure was in place , the team was aware of its syntax and other techniques .

  27. 届时,新国会将会就位,而按照共和党人将再度掌控众议院的可能假设,密歇根州共和党议员戴维坎普(davecamp)将出任监督此类事务的众议院筹款委员会(waysandmeanscommittee)主席。

    By then the new Congress will be in place and , on the likely assumption that the Republicans retake the house , the chairman of the ways and Means Committee that oversees such matters will be the Michigan Republican Dave camp .

  28. 英国尚无4G网络,4G网比3G网数据传输速度更快,等到明年夏天苹果新机发布时网络或许可以就位。

    In Britain , there is still no4G network-offering far faster data transmission than the current3G network-but there may be networks in place by the time Apple 's handset launches next summer .

  29. 因为它预先做了风险评估,并且认识到可能不允许Dogma与我们同行,所以她的应急计划已经就位了。

    Because she previously did a risk-assessment and realized that Dogma may not be allowed to come with us , her contingency plan was already in place .

  30. IBM推荐组织使用治理生命周期来增量地确定治理需求,将治理能力就位,并且建立度量机制来确保对治理的改进可以引起组织行为中的预期变更。

    IBM recommends that organizations use the governance lifecycle to incrementally identify governance needs , put governance capabilities in place , and establish measurement mechanisms to ensure that the improvements to governance cause the desired change in the behavior of the organization .