
  1. 他疲惫不堪,天气又越来越热,于是想就近找个阴凉的地方,坐下歇会儿。

    His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade .

  2. 而狗呢,等他们老了,牙也掉光了,琼斯就会就近找个池塘,弄块砖头拴再他们的脖子上,把他们沉到水底。

    As for the dogs , when they grow old and toothless , Jones ties a brick round their necks and drowns them in the nearest pond .

  3. 那是一天下午两点多找好的一份工作,因为下午五点就要开工,所以我就近找家超市买了些面包和饮料充饥,然后就坐在一块绿地的长凳上休息。

    M. , and I would start to work at five o'clock , so I found a supermarket nearby and bought some bread and beverage to stuff my stomach before I sat down to rest on a bench on a piece of green land .