
  1. 就是那个家伙他父母怎么想

    That 's the guy . What do his parents think ?

  2. 因为你就是那个家伙。

    Because you are the other guy .

  3. 飘洋过海就是为了远离那个家伙之前

    move across the ocean to stay away from that guy .

  4. 你就是火车上那个家伙!

    You 're the guy from the train !

  5. 就是杀那个女孩的家伙。

    It was the guy that shot the girl .

  6. 计算它的震动频率,紫色的光谱代表的就是那个新发现的家伙,是以前的那个白色的部分。

    Calculate the vibrations , the purple spectrum is that new fellow , the white one is the old one .