
wěi shàn zhě
  • hypocrite;Pharisee
  1. total:完全的,十足的hypocrite:伪善者天哪,她来了,真会装纯洁。

    Oh , god , there she is . what a total hypocrite .

  2. 你说你关心穷人,可你并不帮助他们,你这伪善者。

    You say you care about the poor , but you don 't help them , you hypocrite !

  3. 这些话不应当被误解为一个伪善者的控诉。

    These remarks should not be mistaken for the complaints of a bleeding heart .

  4. 你只是喜欢把自己说成是伪善者。

    You just like to sound like one .

  5. 说教的男人通常是个伪善者,而说教的女人则必定是个丑女。做作的仁慈或者自以为有道德,伪善。

    A man who moralize is usually a hypocrite , and a women who moralize is invariably plain .

  6. 说教的男人通常是个伪善者,而说教的女人则必定是丑女。

    A man who moralizes is usually a hypocrite , and a woman who moralizes is invariably plain .

  7. 因为耶稣老大是伪善者,拯救所有信他的人不论这个人是好是坏。

    Cuz Jesus is hypocritical , saves anyone who believes him no matter the guys is bad or good .

  8. 既然所有的教会都斥责私人邪行、伪君子和伪善者,难道公众能够被诱哄去投票选他吗?

    Could the public be induced to vote for him with all the churches fulminating against private immorality , hypocrites , and whited sepulchers ?

  9. 但是伪善者却逐步上升:归结到一点,事实上,每个公民都被迫成为一个伪善者。

    But the number of hypocrites rises steadily : up to a point , every citizen is , in fact , forced to be one .

  10. 道德伪善者却不同,他们总是严于律人,宽于律己,认为自己的行为最合乎道德标准。

    The moral hypocrite , by contrast , has convinced himself that he is acting virtuously even when he does something he would condemn in others .

  11. 他们直接从马太福音中拿来用,其中法利赛人被反复叫做伪善者,他们便直接用在自己的语言里了。

    They took it straight out of Matthew , where the Pharisees are called hypocrites over and over again , and they just take that into their own language .

  12. 导演延相昊的头两部长电影猪之王和伪善者都是动画片,但深刻挖掘了人性的黑暗。

    Director Yeon Sang-ho 's first two feature - length films ( " The King of Pigs " and " The Fake " ) were both animated films exploring the bleak side of human nature .

  13. 如我刚才所说,正是源自马太福音,人们知道法利赛人都是伪善者,然后转移到所有犹太人都是伪善者。

    Notice it 's from & as I said it 's from Matthew that you get the idea that Pharisees are all hypocrites , and then that gets transferred to being that all Jews are hypocrites .

  14. 唯物主义者并不一般地反对功利主义,但是反对封建阶级的、资产阶级的、小资产阶级的功利主义,反对那种口头上反对功利主义、实际上抱着最自私最短视的功利主义的伪善者。

    Materialists do not oppose utilitarianism in general but the utilitarianism of the feudal , bourgeois and petty-bourgeois classes ; they oppose those hypocrites who attack utilitarianism in words but in deeds embrace the most selfish and short-sighted utilitarianism .

  15. 阿切尔一小时之前到他家来的时候,与莱特布赖先生的意见完全一致,但这些话一从这个酒足饭饱、冷漠自私的老人口中讲出来,却突然变成全神贯注地防范不愉快事情出现的上流社会伪善者的腔调。

    Archer had gone to the house an hour earlier in full agreement with Mr. Letterblair 's view ; but put into words by this selfish , well-fed and supremely indifferent old man it suddenly became the Pharisaic voice of a society wholly absorbed in barricading itself against the unpleasant .