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wěi tuō
  • forge ancient literary or art works, or pass off modern works as ancient ones
  • forge ancient literary or art works author;pass off modern works as ancient ones
伪托 [wěi tuō]
  • [forge ancient literary or art works author;pass off modern works as ancient ones] 假托别人的名义,多指把自己的或后人的作品假冒为古人的

  1. 再从写作时间、篇名和信的格式、上海长风书店等方面分析,也可证明此书为他人伪托。

    Besides , an analysis of the date of writing , titles of articles , style of the letters , and Shanghai Changfeng Bookstore also justifies that the b.

  2. 尽管这些思想与观念相对于书写历史要晚很多,现在我们看到最早古代书法文献大体上确定在汉代,如果将古人的伪托不加考虑在内,充其量只能定在秦代。

    Although these thoughts and concepts appear much later than calligraphy history , nowadays the earliest ancient calligraphy documents can be determined in Han Dynasty , or at the most in Qin .