
wěi zhuānɡ zhě
  • pretender;disguiser
  1. 喷火战机乐队以“伪装者”(Pretender)获得最佳硬摇滚表演奖,并以“回声、沉默、耐心和优雅”(Echoes,Silence,Patience&Grace)专辑获得最佳摇滚专辑奖。

    The Foo Fighters won the Grammy for Best Hard Rock Performance for " The Pretender ," and Best Rock Album for Echoes , Silence , Patience & Grace .

  2. 中心要制造另一个伪装者。

    The center 's going to make another pretender .

  3. 他们说他赚的钱比真正的伪装者还要多。

    They say that he made more money than the actual impostor .

  4. 然而最终极的伪装者非章鱼莫属

    But the ultimate master of disguise has to be the octopus ,

  5. 那会危害你对伪装者计划的客观性。

    Compromising your objectivity towards the pretender project .

  6. 他只不过是一个伪装者,根本就不是神。

    That he was not a God at all , but merely an imposter .

  7. 我们中间有一些伪装者。

    The are pretenders among us .

  8. 请求伪装者摘下面具让孩子们知道面罩是伪装的。

    Show children that someone is just wearing a mask by asking that person to remove it .

  9. 获得5项提名的颠峰斗士将依靠《伪装者》角逐今年的最佳唱片。

    The Full Fighters with 5 nominations will compete for a record of the year for the Pretender .

  10. 一位官员透露当局没有表示袭击者是一位警官还是伪装者。

    An official says authorities have not said the attacker was a police officer or the disguised one .

  11. 这就带来了一种可能,这是个充满伪装者的世界吗?每天在工作中表现得像成年人一样,内心深处却并未这么觉得。

    Which raises the possibility of a world full of pretenders : people who behave grown up every day at work , but deep down do not feel it .

  12. 在过去的一年,由于出演《琅琊榜》和《伪装者》,胡歌成为了最受观众欢迎的演员。

    Hu Ge is one of the most popular actors of the past year , thanks to his TV dramas " Nirvana in Fire " and " The Disguiser . "

  13. 作为此次研讨会的一名参与者、以及中国影视剧在哈萨克斯坦的主要推动者,NussipzhanovYertay表示,他用了五天的时间看完了去年非常受欢迎的间谍惊悚片《伪装者》。

    Nussipzhanov Yertay , a symposium attendee and a major promoter of Chinese films and TV series in Kazakhstan , says he watched last year 's popular 48-eposide spy thriller The Disguiser within five days .

  14. 结果:在110例中,伪装智力伤残者82例(745%),伪装精神症状者6例(55%)。

    The differences of the cases with and without malingering were analyzed . Results : 82 cases ( 74 5 % ) faked intellect disability , 6 cases ( 5 5 % ) faked the symptoms of mental disorders .

  15. 在大自然中“伪装”对于捕猎者和猎物来说都是非常有用的。

    Camouflage in nature is useful to the hunter and the hunted .